Nlake 635(9)/PP-CS 861020e 5e Subdivision Name CiTY OF COPPELL P.O. BOX 478 COPPELL, IEXAS 7501g. SUBDIVISION APPLICATION Date _ October 20, 4.88 Acre Tract of Northlake 635 Business Park , 19_ 86 Preliminary Plat Applicant Address Phone ~ Final Plat X Powell & Powell 398~ N. Central Expwy., Ste 1130 Dallas, TX 75204 Street City S tat· ~ (214~ 522-4660 Zip Firm Preparing Plat _~,ell & Powell Address 3988 N. Central Exp2..~., Ste 1130 Street Ci t-~-~ Phone ! (214) 522-4660 Dallas, TX 75204 State P'roper ty Owner Address Phone ~ Street City Developer ,, Vantase Companies Address ~ 2777 Stemmons Frwy Street Phone I (214) 631-0600 All Correspondence relative to this whom: State Zip Dallas, TX 75207 City State zip application should be directed to Name Mr. James A. Koch - Powell & Powell Address~Central Ex~_~ Ste. 1130 City, State, Zip Dallas TX 75204 Phone ! (214) 631-0600 General Location of Property ~tside Drive in the Northwes~co~ Block D Northlake 635 Business Park out of the Cordelia Bowen Survey, City of CopPell, Dallas County Texas 10. What is the present Zoning District? LI Are you requesting any zoning change? No If yes, what is the Case File No.~ Zoning district requested? ' Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use S_~i_n,q. le Family Dup ] ex P"-~6i~'C Street R/W - ~°n~'~omini u,~' (speciff Dew or converson) Total No. of Lots or Units 1 1 Acres {for each use) 4.8861 Ac. 4.8861 Ac. the amount of $ payable to the CiTY OF C~PPELL 271.01 , (See Fee Schedule Residential IC: .oo Preliminary ................... ~ + ~.8C, per Final ........................ ~ + ~per Industrial, Commercial, Apartment or Other Preliminary .................... ~~+r~b~:~ per Final ......................... $~C~ ~~ ~ per ! certify that the above information is correct knowledge. ~s enclosed Below). lot lot acre, acre tO the best of my Signature, Property Owner PAID or D~TE ~ $100 + $35.00 per acre Authorized Agent 'For Property Owner FOR STAFF USE ONLY 1) 2) 3) 4) Filing Fee Previous Cases Plats Review Committee Docket Date in STAFF COMMENTS MacArthur Boulevard. approximtely t~O feet ,.,,.t ~, Lake Road. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting -- September Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval 5-0 Mr. Billy Thompson made the presentation to the Council. Mr. Thompson stated this is approximately a twenty six (26) acre tract with a current zoning of Townhouse 1. Plans are to develop a Single Famii!v c~0 lots. Questions were raised by Council as to the filing of the Homeowners Agreement as required by the City of Coppell Str.etscs~e Plan. Mr. Thompson indicated that this agreement had not yet been filed but that he would be willing ~, aomply with any requirements of the City prior to the filing of the £~nal plat. Following discu~i-°n on this item Councliman ~orton ~.:.~?d that the preliminary plat as stated above be approved subject to the filing of the Homeowners Agreement as the Streetscape Ordinance. Councilman Smothermon seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tom Ware, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING - SITE PLANS Item 24: Consider approval of a conceptual site plan #86-07-21.5 For Vantage Companies/Thomas Cook, AIA on property located on Crestside Drive in the southern section of the Northlake 635 Business Park. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting - September 25, 1986 Recommendation of Planning and Zoning - Approval 5-0 made the presentation to the Council. Applicant was Mr. Tom Cook .... ~-~ ~ o Homeowners Agreement as required under questioned as t ~'is A"reement has not been filed but the the Streetscape Plan. icated he would comply with City regulations. Following Applicant ind ....... ~-~-~o~mon moved that this Site Plan discussion on this item ~ounc~ma~ be approved subject to the filing of the Homeowners Agreement as required under the Streetscape Plan. Councilman Wolfe seconded and motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Ware, Councilmen Wilkerson, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Wolfe, and Stanton voting in favor of the motion. The meeting was then adjourned. Lou Duggan, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary MINUTES 101486 MNITS