Nlake 635(12)AmSP-AG000912 T H E C I T Y 0 F. COPPEEL ^O ND^ REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 12, 2000 ITEM # __~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Coppell Business Center III, Lots 1 & 2, Block C, Amended Site Plan, to amend the existing site plan for a Charles Schwab AMS II facility to revise the parking and landscaping for an 115,200 square-foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 7.1 acres of property located at the southwest comer of Wrangler and Lakeshore Drives. APPROVED ",, BY CiTY COUNC,L SUBMITTED DATE ..... 7/g-o0 ::--: TITLE: ( Director ot Pla~ngand Community Services O,I/~ ~ STAFF COMM~ Date of P&Z Meeting: August 17, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, with the following conditions: of ~ (CONDITION MET) 2) Special Exception approval by the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. The applicant shall revise the Landscape Plan to reflect the current site design. The level of landscaping shall also be revised to reflect the current amount, which may not decrease below the amount shown on the plan. 4) City Council must approve the proposed living screen in lieu of a 6'-high masonry wall. · ' ~.1:' (CONDITION MET) -'-'- masovzy (CONDITION MET) nOmpactor/reclg sha~ be m~imum of 25' ~ heist, equipment s~een d ~e subm~sion of a certification ~om a Suu~ral Eng~eer ~at ~ese ~ee-stand~g w~s w~ be suu~ra~y sound without addifionM suucmral support system is requ~ed. CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: ~NL635sp (CONDITIONS C~INUED ON THE NEXT PAGE) :ffe:~a:i:e.< tI~Fo S~ .ZdO5 i00 FIN' REVIEW: ~" NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK, COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III LOTS 1 &2, BLOCK C, SITE PLAN AMENDMENT (CONDITIONS CONTINUED) (CONDITION MET) OOnce recently approved replat for the subject site is recorded, the applicant shall modify title block to reflect the following: Coppell Business Center III, Lot 2 and 3, Block C, a replat of part of Northlake 635 Business Park. vacuums on the roof shall be soundproofed. .^~,; .... a ' ,,,,. (CONDITION MET) ............ ~creen:.ng .... !1. Staff recommends approval. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT CASE: NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARI~ COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III~ LOTS l&2 BLOCK C P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: August 17, 2000 September 12, 2000 South side of Wrangler, between Lakeshore and Crestside Drives. Approximately 8.6 acres of property. LI (Light Industrial) Site Plan amendment approval. APPLICANT: Lincoln Property Co. 3300 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akard Dallas, TX 75201-3394 (214) 740-3300 FAX: (214) 361-5573 Architect: Brian Gray Page Southerland Page 3500 Maple Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 522-3900 FAX: (214) 361-5573 H/STORY: TRANSPORTATION: A replat and site plan were approved by City Council on April 4, 2000 for the subject site. The site plan proposed a 115,200 sq. ft. warehouse/production building consisting of 25,344 sr. of office area and 89,856 sf. of warehousing area and provided 174 parking spaces. A special use permit and plat to allow a 4-pump fuel island, track maintenance garage, truck wash and a 23,102 sf office/warehouse facility on Lot 1 was denied by City Council on June 8, 1999. Wrangler Drive is a 4-lane undivided collector street in a 60'-wide right-of-way. Both Lakeshore and Crestside Drives are C2U, two- lane undivided roads built in a 60'-wide rights-of-way. The site w/ll be accessed via two curb cuts on Cres "__-- ,, , Drive, and one on Wrangler Drive. I ATTAGHI~U IU I C.C. PACKET Item # 10 SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East- West - Office/warehouse facility; LI- Light Industrial Office/warehouse facility and vacant land; LI- Light Industrial Office/warehouse facility; LI- Light Industrial Commercial Center with Day Care; LI- Light Industhal COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom type of uses. DISCUSSION: As mentioned in the History Section above, a site plan for the subject site was approved in April 2000. The applicant is requesting to amend the site plan in order to locate the Charles Schwab & Company printing facilities on the subject site. Several modifications to the approved site plan are proposed; however, the size of the building, the overall layout of the site, and landscaping will remain consistent with the original site plan. All proposed changes made to the plan are "clouded" on the submitted materials. The site has been graded and the building foundation is complete. The 1.5-acre tract, adjacent to the south, which fronts on Lakeshore Drive, will remain undeveloped at this time. The applicant has indicated that this parcel has been studied for the_provision of additional parking to serve the adjacent site if needed at a later date. Site Plan The first significant change to the site plan is the addition of compactor/recycling equipment on the exterior of the west building wall. This appurtenance will contain a cyclone vacuum unit, extending 10' beyond the roofline. Given the visual impact and the potential noise which may negatively effect the adjacent day care use, Staff recommended that the unit be placed inside or relocated to the rear of the building, or, at a minimum lowered below the roofline. However, the applicant has indicated that this equipment cannot be relocated. They have attempted to screen the compactor/recycling equipment from view with four, 25' high tilt walls, measuring 65'-114' in length. A section is shown on the plan, representing the sight line from Crestside Drive. Staff believes that the screen walls will substantially screen the compactor/recycling equipment; however, some visibility is certain. Staff is also requesting certification from a Structural Engineer that these freestanding walls will be structurally sound without additional structural support system. An additional change to the site plan is the elimination of several proposed dock doors on the east side of the building. Due to the specific Item #10 tenant's needs, all proposed dock doors facing Lakeshore Drive will be omitted and replaced with glass aluminum storefront windows and a passenger vehicle parking area. Staff supports this change to a less intensive, commercial office area along Lakeshore Drive. Similar to the original site plan, the south side of the building will house a service yard, containing transformers, generators, and cooling elements. A 20' high screen wall on all sides will screen the area. As currently proposed, the screen wall would be constructed of aluminum louvers. Staff does not support the choice of materials and recommends the screen wall materials be held to the same standard as the main building, with a maximum of 20% of the screen wall consisting of non-masonry materials. Aluminum louvers should be used as needed for circulation, but should not serve as the primary material. Further, alternative materials for access gates are also recommended in lieu of chain link. The building elevations show a 2-tone painted tilt wall structure in grey- green and taupe shades. Accent square, reveals, stairs and railings are shown in a grey-green shade. The windows are green solex glass. As previously approved, a 60-square foot monument sign will be constructed shown on top of the berm at the southwest comer of Wrangler and Lakeshore Drives. The sign is a 6" concrete panel painted to match the building. The sign will reference the Coppell Business Center II and the future tenant Charles Schwab. Parking Staff is concerned with the amount of proposed parking. Initially, the applicant indicated their intentions to maintain the previously approved mix of office and warehouse with 22% of the facility devoted to office and the remaining 78% for warehousing, resulting in a parking requirement of 174 spaces. Since that time, the amount of parking and the mix of office and warehouse space have considerably varied with each re-submission. Staff requested that the applicant calculate the required parking in accordance with Section 34-6 (18) of the zoning ordinance, which requires one space per employee per maximum shift, but not less than one space per 1,000 square feet. In response to staff's request, the applicant's next submission indicated that 40% will be office and 60% warehouse; the number of employees was still not shown, but mentioned at the DRC meeting to be approximately 250 employees. The current site plan shows a maximum of 175 employees per shift, served by 214 parking spaces; an adequate amount of parking according to the numbers on the site plan. However, given the substantial variation in office/warehouse square footage and the projected employee count, staff is concerned that the Item#10 number of employees is not definitive and that eventual expansion of this facility may result in the need for additional parking. In order to ensure that parking does not become deficient in the future, staff is recommending that a maximum of 35% of building square footage be devoted to office uses. While the level of required parking is currently based on the number of employees and appears sufficient, adherence to both standards, parking based on the number of employees and the square footage of office, will provide assurance that parking will remain in compliance. In the event the employee count or the ratio of office increases, then additional parking could potentially be provided on the vacant tract abutting to the south which is under the same ownership. An amended site plan would be required. Finally, the current site plan submission indicates that 216 spaces are proposed; however, staff's calculation indicates that only 214 spaces are actually proposed. Landscape Plan As submitted, the landscape plan is not consistent with the site plan. The applicant recently revised the site plan to provide screening for the recycling/compactor area, but corresponding revisions were not made the landscape plan. While the plan does not reflect the exact proposed site design, it is apparent that minor changes to the plan would remedy these inconsistencies. Landscape areas surrounding the proposed 25' high screen walls will have to be revised; however, it is staff's interpretation that the level of landscaping will actually increase due to the elimination of several parking spaces to provide space for the screen walls. The submitted landscape plan does comply with landscape requirements; however, inconsistencies must be remedied. In all districts where loading areas are facing a street a 6'-high screening wall is required. City Council may modify the screening treatment and allow a living screen. The application shows that a 3'-high berm with Needlepoint Holly shrubs and Leyland Cypress planted on top and between the berms, with Live Oak perimeter trees interspersed between the berms to screen dock doors along Crestside Drive. The 25' high screen walls proposed along Crestside Drive will aid in screening the loading areas, but will not completely screen these areas. As noted on the site plan, there are two rows of parking on the east side of the building that contain less than the minimum 5 spaces. The applicant will be required to apply for Special Exception to the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. Item #10 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: While staff has some concerns relating to the parking and the addition of the compactor/recycling equipment, the elimination of numerous dock doors and additional screening are improvements and supported by staff. The recommended conditions should ensure quality screening, materials, and design, Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the site plan revision subject to the following conditions being met: 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 6) 7) 8) 9) Interior office space can not exceed 35% (40,320 sf.) of the building area. Special Exception approval by the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. The applicant shall revise the landscape to reflect the current site design. The level of landscaping shall also be revised to reflect the current amount, which may not decrease below the amount shown on the plan. City Council must approve the proposed living screen in lieu of a 6'-high masonry wall. Service yard screening wall shall contain a maximum of 20% non-maso _nty materials. Service yard access gates shall be of a non-masonry material other than chain link. Compactor/recycling equipment screen walls shall be a minimum of 25' in height, and the submission of a certification from a Structural Engineer that these free- standing walls will be structurally sound without additional structural support system is required. Correct plan to show that 214 spaces are proposed and not 216. Once recently approved replat for the subject site is recorded, the applicant shall modify title block to reflect the following: Coppell Business Center III, Lot 2 and 3, Block C, a replat of part of Northlake 635 Business Park. Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Photograph of Proposed Recycling/Compactor unit 2) Site Plan 3) Building Elevations Item #10 ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET 4) ~) ~) Landscape Plan Landscape Details Landscape Tabulations Item #10 ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET ATTACHED TO C.C. PACKET T H E; · C I T Y · O F COPPEi £ AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: September 12, 2000 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of the Northlake 635 Business Park, Coppell Business Center III, Lots 1 & 2, Block C, Amended Site Plan, to amend the existing site plan for a Charles Schwab AMS II facility to revise the parking and landscaping for an 115,200 square-foot office/warehouse facility on approximately 7.1 acres of property located at the southwest comer of Wrangler and Lakeshore Drives. SUBMITTED BY: Gary L. Sieb TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: Date of P&Z Meeting: August 17, 2000 Decision of P&Z Commission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Clark, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval is recommended, with the following conditions: T~,*,~,',: ,',$Y:~,'.,~ ,'~'"'"'~ "'"" ~'"'* ,~,..,~.~A ~0/_ /ACt "l'*)t~ o,e% ,.,,e ,l,... 1~..;1,.14~ .~--,=.~ (CONDITION MET) Special Exception approval by the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. 3) The applicant shall revise the Landscape Plan to reflect the current site design. The level of landscaping shall also be revised to reflect the current amount, which may not decrease below the amount shown on the plan. 4)----~unfil m,~~ve the pro_ screen na '' w (CONDITION MET) (CONDITION MET) 7) Compactor/recycling equipment screen walls shall be a minimum of 25' in height, and the submission of a certification from a Structural Engineer that these free-standing walls will be structurally sound without additional structural support system is required. (CONDITIONS C~INUED ON THE NEXT PAGE) CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: (~qL635sp NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARK, COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III LOTS 1&2, BLOCK C, SITE PLAN AMENDMENT (CONDITIONS CONTINUED) (CONDITION MET) 9) Once recently approved replat for the subject site is recorded, the applicant shall modify title block to reflect the following: Coppell Business Center III, Lot 2 and 3, Block C, a replat of part of Northlake 635 Business Park. 10) All vacuums on the roofshalI be soundproofed. (CONDITION Staff recommends approval. CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTME~ STAFF REPORT CASE: NORTHLAKE 635 BUSINESS PARI COPPELL BUSINESS CENTER III, LOTS l&2 BLOCK C P & Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: REQUEST: August 17, 2000 September 12, 2000 South side of Wrangler, between Lakeshore and Crestside Drives. Approximately 8.6 acres of property. LI (Light Industrial) Site Plan amendment approval. APPLICANT: Owner: Lincoln Property Co. 3300 Lincoln Plaza 500 N. Akard Dallas, TX 75201-3394 (214) 740-3300 FAX: (214) 361-5573 Architect: Brian Gray Page Southerland Page 3500 Maple Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 522-3900 FAX: (214) 361-5573 H/STORY: TRANSPORTATION: A replat and site plan were approved by City Council on April 4, 2000 for the subject site. The site plan proposed a 115,200 sq. fl. warehouse/production building consisting of 25,344 sr. of office area and 89,856 sr. of warehousing area and provided 174 parking spaces. A special use permit and plat to allow a 4-pump fuel island, truck maintenance garage, truck wash and a 23,102 sf office/warehouse facility on Lot 1 was denied by City Council on June 8, 1999. Wrangler Drive is a 4-lane undivided collector street in a 60'-wide right-of-way. Both Lakeshore and Crestside Drives are C2U, two- lane undivided roads built in a 60'-wide fights-of-way. The site will be accessed via two curb cuts on Crestside Drive, two on Lakeshore Drive, and one on Wrangler Drive. Item glO SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North - South - East- West - Office/warehouse facility; LI- Light Industrial Office/warehouse facility and vacant land; LI- Light Industrial Office/warehouse facility; LI- Light Industrial Commercial Center with Day Care; LI- Light Industrial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan designates the property as suitable for light industrial and showroom type of uses. DISCUSSION: As mentioned in the History Section above, a site plan for the subject site was approved in April 2000. The applicant is requesting to amend the site plan in order to locate the Charles Schwab & Company printing facilities on the subject site. Several modifications to the approved site plan are proposed; however, the size of the building, the overall layout of the site, and landscaping will remain consistent with the original site plan. All proposed changes made to the plan are "clouded" on the submitted materials. The site has been graded and the building foundation is complete. The 1.5-acre tract, adjacent to the south, which fronts on Lakeshore Drive, will remain undeveloped at this time. The applicant has indicated that this parcel has been studied for the.provision of additional parking to serve the adjacent site if needed at a later date. Site Plan The first significant change to the site plan is the addition of compactor/recycling equipment on the exterior of the west building wall. This appurtenance will contain a cyclone vacuum unit, extending 10' beyond the roofline. Given the visual impact and the potential noise which may negatively effect the adjacent day care use, Staff recommended that the unit be placed inside or relocated to the rear of the building, or, at a minimum lowered below the roofline. However, the applicant has indicated that this equipment cannot be relocated. They have attempted to screen the compactor/recycling equipment from view with four, 25' high tilt walls, measuring 65'-114' in length. A section is shown on the plan, representing the sight line from Crestside Drive. Staff believes that the screen walls will substantially screen the compactor/recycling equipment; however, some visibility is certain. Staff is also requesting certification from a Structural Engineer that these freestanding walls will be structurally sound without additional structural support system. An additional change to the site plan is the elimination of several proposed dock doors on the east side of the building. Due to the specific Item # 10 tenant's needs, all proposed dock doors facing Lakeshore Drive will be omitted and replaced with glass aluminum storefront windows and a passenger vehicle parking area. Staff supports this change to a less intensive, commercial office area along Lakeshore Drive. Similar to the original site plan, the south side of the building will house a service yard, containing transformers, generators, and cooling elements. A 20' high screen wall on all sides will screen the area. As currently proposed, the screen wall would be constructed of aluminum louvers. Staff does not support the choice of materials and recommends the screen wall materials be held to the same standard as the main building, with a maximum of 20% of the screen wall consisting of non-masonry materials. Aluminum louvers should be used as needed for circulation, but should not serve as the primary material. Further, alternative materials for access gates are also recommended in lieu of chain link. The building elevations show a 2-tone painted tilt wall structure in grey- green and taupe shades. Accent square, reveals, stairs and railings are shown in a grey-green shade. The windows are green solex glass. As previously approved, a 60-square foot monument sign will be constructed shown on top of the berm at the southwest comer of Wrangler and Lakeshore Drives. The sign is a 6" concrete panel painted to match the building. The sign will reference the Coppell Business Center II and the future tenant Charles Schwab. Parking Staff is concerned with the amount of proposed parking. Initially, the applicant indicated their intentions to maintain the previously approved mix of office and warehouse with 22% of the facility devoted to office and the remaining 78% for warehousing, resulting in a parking requirement of 174 spaces. Since that time, the amount of parking and the mix of office and warehouse space have considerably varied with each re-submission. Staff requested that the applicant calculate the required parking in accordance with Section 34-6 (18) of the zoning ordinance, which requires one space per employee per maximum shift, but not less than one space per 1,000 square feet. In response to staWs request, the applicant's next submission indicated that 40% will be office and 60% warehouse; the number of employees was still not shown, but mentioned at the DRC meeting to be approximately 250 employees. The current site plan shows a maximum of 175 employees per shift, served by 214 parking spaces; an adequate amount of parking according to the numbers on the site plan. However, given the substantial variation in office/warehouse square footage and the projected employee count, staff is concerned that the Item #10 number of employees is not definitive and that eventual expansion of this facility may result in the need for additional parking. In order to ensure that parking does not become deficient in the future, staff is recommending that a maximum of 35% of building square footage be devoted to office uses. While the level of required parking is currently based on the number of employees and appears sufficient, adherence to both standards, parking based on the number of employees and the square footage of office, will provide assurance that parking will remain in compliance. In the event the employee count or the ratio of office increases, then additional parking could potentially be provided on the vacant tract abutting to the south which is under the same ownership. An amended site plan would be required. Finally, the current site plan submission indicates that 216 spaces are proposed; however, staff's calculation indicates that only 214 spaces are actualIy proposed. Landscape Plan As submitted, the landscape plan is not consistent with the site plan. The applicant recently revised the site plan to provide screening for the recycling/compactor area, but corresponding revisions were not made the landscape plan. While the plan does not reflect the exact proposed site design, it is apparent that minor changes to the plan would remedy these inconsistencies. Landscape areas surrounding the proposed 25' high screen walls will have to be revised; however, it is staff's interpretation that the level of landscaping will actually increase due to the elimination of several parking spaces to provide space for the screen walls. The submitted landscape plan does comply with landscape requirements; however, inconsistencies must be remedied. In all districts where loading areas are facing a street a 6'-high screening wall is required. City Council may modify the screening treatment and allow a living screen. The application shows that a 3'-high berm with Needlepoint Holly shrubs and Leyland Cypress planted on top and between the berms, with Live Oak perimeter trees interspersed between the berms to screen dock doors along Crestside Drive. The 25' high screen walls proposed along Crestside Drive will aid in screening the loading areas, but will not completely screen these areas. As noted on the site plan, there are two rows of parking on the east side of the building that contain less than the minimum 5 spaces. The applicant will be required to apply for Special Exception to the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. Item # 10 RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: While staff has some concerns relating to the parking and the addition of the compactor/recycling equipment, the elimination of numerous dock doors and additional screening are improvements and supported by staff. The recommended conditions should ensure quality screening, materials, and design, Therefore, staff recommends APPROVAL of the site plan revision subject to the following conditions being met: ALTERNATIVES: l) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Interior office space can not exceed 35% (40,320 sf.) of the building area. Special Exception approval by the Board of Adjustment, per Section 34-1-8 (B) (3) of the Landscape Ordinance allowing for rows of parking with less than 5 spaces. The applicant shall revise the landscape to reflect the current site design. The level of landscaping shall also be revised to reflect the current amount, which may not decrease below the amount shown on the plan. City Council must approve the proposed living screen in lieu of a 6'-high masonry wall. Service yard screening wall shall contain a maximum of 20% non-maso _n[y materials. Service yard access gates shall be of a non-masonry material other than chain link. Compactor/recycling equipment screen walls shall be a minimum of 25' in height, and the submission of a certification from a Structural Engineer that these free- standing walls will be structurally sound without additional structural support system is required. Correct plan to show that 214 spaces are proposed and not 216. Once recently approved replat for the subject site is recorded, the applicant shall modify title block to reflect the following: Coppell Business Center III, Lot 2 and 3, Block C, a replat of part of Northlake 635 Business Park. Recommend approval of the request Recommend disapproval of the request Recommend modification of the request Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Photograph of Proposed Recycling/Compactor unit 2) Site Plan 3) Building Elevations Item #10 4) 5) 6) Landscape Plan Landscape Details Landscape Tabulations Item #10