Nlake 635(12)/FP-CS000307Llincoln Property Company 3300 Lincoln Plaza, 500 N. Akard Dallas, Tx. 75201-3394 214-740-3300 Subdivision Application city of copp~ Plaan/ag ~t 255 Parkway Blv& Coppe~l, TX 75019 Phone: (214) 304-3675 Fax: ('214) 304-3570 Final Plat Minor Plat (4 lots or le~s on existing street) Repht Amending Plat Minor Plat Amending Plat (4 lots or less) Note: Applications are accepted for submittal prior to the filing date. The .filing date shall be exactly 29 days prior to the date of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at wldch the application will be considered. Filing Date: NameofApplicam: Lincoln Property Company AdZe&s: 3300 Lincoln PLaza, ~QQ N, Akard Dallas, Texas 75201-3394 Telephone Number: 21 4 / 7 4 0- 3 3 0 0 Fax Number: 21 4/740-3451 Firm Preparing Plat: Halff Associates, Inc. Address: a~l~ ~nr~hwo.~ Pla~.a Drive.: Dallas. Texas 72225 Tel~hone Nomb~: ~ ~ a / q a 6- 6200 F~ Nmber: 214 / 361 - 5573 All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to: Name: Todd Abbott Ad,ess: 8616 Northwest Plaza Drive Telephone Number: Dollas, Texas 75225 214/346-6248 Fax Number: 214/361-5573 Name of Subdivision: (.o??etl ~iasin¢~.£ ~'C.n~'t"r' General Location of Property: S'ou~'O~ ~rne. A c,k~q ore Projected Employment (Non-residential uses only) Proposed Subdivision Contains: