Nlake 635(11)/SP-DR 980430 City of ¢oppell Development Review Committee Comments Planning Department Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 3, Block D, Site Plan and Minor Plat DRC Date: April 30, 1998 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: City Council Meeting: June 9, 1998 May 21, 1998 Section 32-2-1 specifically states that "On comer lots, the from yard set back shall be observed along the frontage of both intersecting streets (unless shown specifically otherwise on the final plat according to section 32-3-1: which applies only to one-family dwellings). Therefore, the building line along Crestside Drive should be 30' not 10'. Staff apologizes if we misled the applicant. City Secretary's signature block is missing from the Minor Plat (see attachment). For your information, you will not be able to erect a fence within the front yard of the lot. Provide staff with information regarding play area for proposed nursery. Note: A. B. Do Staff written comments will be faxed to each applicant. Please revise plats, landscape plans, and utility plans based on staff recommendations. Should applicant disagree with staff comments please provide reasons why staff recommendations should not be followed when you attend the May 7th Development Review Committee (DRC) meeting. Each applicant will bring one new set of revised plats and plans to the May 7th DRC meeting. Applicants will be asked to show, explain and defend any revision. An Engineer for the project or other representative is urged to attend the meeting. Applicant will have till noon Tuesday, May 12th to resubmit eighteen (18) folded copies of revised plans and three (3) reduced paper copies (8 1/2 X 11) of each exhibit to the Planning Department. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - CITY OF cOPPELL, TEXA? SECTION XI - FILING OF IRk'[ The undersigned, the City $~retary of the City of Coppell, Texas, hereby certifies that the foregoing -fu~t plat of the ' Subdivision or Addition to the City of Coppell was submitted to the City Council on the. day of ., 19 , and the Council, by formal action, then and there accepted the dedication of streets, alleys, parks, easements, public places, and water and sewer lines, as shown and set forth in and upon said plat, and said Council further authorized the Mayor to note the acceptance thereof by signing his name as hereinabove subscribed. Witness my hand this day of ., A.D., 19 __ oty END OF SECTION Page 31