Nlake WE P6/Re-ES 870610THE ~Y,,;~ OF._ Texas ] COUNTY OF._ Dallas That_D__ouglas Allen Shaw and KNOW ALL MEN BY TI'I~E PRE~F.,NTS: wife, Bonnie Lou Shaw EXCHANGE. ORDER NO, of the County of. Dallas ...... _Tem__am_d_N_nflD0 ~ ($ 10.00 ) to__Ua______ ~,, l~d p~l by Cene~ Telephone Cc,npany of the SouthWest, a Delaware corporation, the receipt of which is l~ereby acknowleclgec~ and confessed, }rove ~ day granted and ~onveyed and do, by these presents, grant and convey unto General Telephone Company of the Southwest, its successors and assigns, an ease- ment ........ in width, to construct, place, operate, inspect, ma~,~i,, repair, replace and remove such buried communication cable as Crantee may from time to time require, consisting of buried cab]e, marlcers and necessary ~ixtures and appurtenances, over, across, under and upon the following desclthed property to wit: An easement being a portion of Lot 3, Blk G of Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 6 an addition to the City of Coppell according to the Hap thereof recorded in Vol. 85206, Pg. 784 Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and also being that same lot as conveyed to Douglas Allen Shaw and wife, Bonnie Lou Shaw from Dorsey Homes, Inc. By Deed recorded in Vol. 87077, Pg. 3248, Deed Records, Dallas, County, Texas. Commencing at the Southwest corner Thence N 19°36'53"W, a distance of Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence of said Lot 3 for reference. 70.0 feet to the place of beginning; Easterly, a distance of 117.28 feet to a point lying in the East porperty line; N 19°36'53"W, a distance of 30.0 feet to a point for corner; Westerly, a distance of 10.0 feet to a point for corner; S 19v36'53"E,a distance of 20.0 feet to a point for corner; Westerly, a distance of 96.32 feet to a point for corner; N 19o36'53'' W, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point for corner; Westerly, a distance of 10.0 feet to a point for corner; S 19o36'53'', E, a distance of 30.0 feet to the place of beginning. The easement herein conveyed will be used in lieu of the existing 10.0 foot GTE easement located 20.0 feet North of the easement described herein. Situated Dallas Texas in ...........................................County, State of , and the Grantor(s) reco..onl-es the general course o~ said line, as above described, is based upon preliminary survey only, and Grantor(s) hereby agree(s) that the easement hereby granted shsall apply to the actual location of said llne where constructed. Grantor covenants for himseH, his successors and assign, not to place or maintain any bnlding or structure on said easemenL Grantor grants to the Grantee the fight of ingress and egress over my (our) adjacent lands to or from said right of way [or the purpose of inspecting, matni,!-~g, constructing, reconstruc~ operaUng and removing its buried communication cable and associated appurtenances over, under, across ancl upon the above described property, and the fight to l~lace markers and other devices to support or mark said constxuction where necessary. The Grantor also agrees to include the right to relocate said buried communication cable on said premises ~ con~orm to any ['uture highway relocation, widening or improvement. The Grantor acknowledges that the consideration teclterl above includes compensa~on [or any and all dsamages to the surface or gr~ss or crop.~ located thereon resulting from original constxuction by Grantee. Should Grantee or its agents or employees, subsequent to original ir~allation of communication [aciJtUes within the easement described above, have occasion to enter upon the premises to pen~orm mainte-ance upon such facilities, Grantee agrees to pay Grantor the actual cash value of that portion of crops destroyed in the course of performance of such maintenance; and Grantor agrees to receive such amount in full discharge of any claim [or damages which might have been advanced. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easemeat and fights unto the said Grantee. its successors and assigns, until said line shall he abandoned. And I (we) do hereby, bind mysel~ (ourselves), my (our) legal representatives, to warrant and [orever dofencl, all end singular the its successors and assigns, s~!rte: every person whomsoever lawfully above described easement ~nd rights unto the add Grantee, claiming or to claim ~ ~ ~lr ~ p&ri t~. CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS THE STATE OF County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 19 ~ by (Si~nature) (Print name) Notary Public, State of My Commission Expires: CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS THE STATE OF County of This instrument was ac~ledged before s 19 , by (Si&mature) (Print name) Notary Public, State of My CommissionExpires: CORPORATE ACKNOWLEGEMENT THE STATE OF County of This instrument was acknowledged before me ~ ~ 19 ~ by (Signature) , on behalf of said corporation. (Print name) Notary Public~ State of My Commission Expires: FROM EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY TO GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST THE STATE OF County of County, 4o hereby certify that the above , Clerk of the County Court of instrument of writing was filed for record in this office on A.D. 19 ,., at o'clock__ A.D. 19 ~ at o'clock__ records of said County in Vol. on page M. and duly recorded on M. in the Witness my hand and seal of office in the day and year last above written. Deputy Clerk, County Court, County L. BOX L.CO. BOX $0' ZZ. 6 ' StOrY BR CK r ES IDENCE SET - ~ . Tirl t ~nuPA~v THE STATE Texas Dallas KNOW ~ ~ BY THESE COUN~YOF -- T~t--- Douglas Allen Shaw and wife? Bonn%e Lou Shaw EXCHANGE- ORDER NO~ Ten and No/100 ~($ 10.00 ]to--- u~----~d~.~~T~ ~e Southwest, a De~re ~6on, ~e ~ipt ~d do, by ~ese pre~a~, ~nt ~d ~nv~ ~ble as Crant~ may from ~e to ~e ~, ~g of b~ robie, ~ ~d ~ ~ ~ sYPhOn' o~, a~oss, ~der ~d u~n ~ fo~o~l p~. 784 Deed Record Douglas Allen Shaw and wire, monnxe in Vol. 87077, Pg. 3248, Deed ~ecords, Dallas County, Texas Co~encing at the Southwest corner of said Lot 3 for reference. Thence N 19°36'53''W, a distance of 70.0 feet to the place of beginning; ~hence Easterly, a distance of 117.28 feet to a point lying in the East property line; Thence N 19°36'53''W, a distance of 30.0 feet to a point for corner; Thence Westerly, a distance of 10.0 feet to a point for corner; Thence S 19°36'53''E, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point for corner; Thence Westerly, a distance of 96.32 feet to a point for corner; Thence N 19036'5y'W, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point for corner; Thence Westerly, a distance of 10.0 feet to a point for corner; Thence S 19°36'5y'E, a distance of 30.0 feet to the place of beginning. The easement herein conveyed will be used in lieu of the existing 10.0 foot GTE easement located 20.0 feet North of the easement described herein. The Grantor agrees to pay for the existing telephone facilities to be relocated to the new easement conveyed herein. Due to the fact that the easement herein conveyed ~ ting lO0-foot drainage easement, with the approval falls within the bounds of an axis of the City of Coppell, the Grantor, its successors and assign agrees to pay for any and all future relocations or rearrangements of the Grantee's telephone facilities situated within the new easement area, when requested by the Grantee or the City of Coppell. Texas S -- . Dallas _.Co~mtT, State ~- ~ n~s) ~t i~t~ ~ ................................... · · ~ --~d ~ as a~ve d~ b ~ u~n pre~ ~ o~Y, ~d G~m~s) ~ ~e ~eneml ~ ~ ~' ' ~e ~se~t h~eby ~nt~ ~ apply ~ ~ s~ l~n ~ ~d ~e wh~ ~ed. Grantor ~ve~n~ {or ~H, ~ m~m ~d ~, ~ to p~ or ~ ~Y G~ntor ~ m ~e G~ t~ fight ~ ~P~ ~ e~ ov~ my (~) adia~nt ~n~ to or ~om app~e~nces over, ~&er, a~ and u~n ~ a~ d~ ~o~, ~d ~e ~t to p~ ~ke~ an~ o~ de~ ~ ~P~ or marl< mid co~on where n~. T~ G~r s~o~R~ ~t ~e ~~ ~ a~ve ~ud~ ~m~on {or say ~d ~ ~ges ~ ~e ~Ea~ or ~ ~ ~ l~t~ ~n r~g ~m ~ ~~ ~ ~ S~E G~tec or i~ agen~ or employs, ~b~quent ~ od~ ~o~ o~ ~~ ~s ~fl~ ~e ~nt d~ a~v~, ~ve ~on to enter u~n ~e pr~s to ~t ~ve ~n TO ~ ~ TO HOLD ~ a~ ~ m~t ~d ~ ~ ~e aid Cnn~, claiming or to el.lin the same ~' ~ *p~'t ~i~reo~. Z£77 CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF - ~__~___~ County of ~/~A&~ This instrument was auknu.~=uged before me on OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS Notary Public, State of --~-~"/~ My Co is ion pires: Z , 19~?_~__, by cERTIFICATE THE STATE OF ~7~;(44~ County of ~'~ ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS (Print name) Notary Public, State of My Co~is$io~ Expires: CORPORATE ACKNOWLEGEMENT THE STATE OF County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on , 19 , by , on behalf of said corporation. (Signature) (Print name) Notary Public, State of My Commission Expires: EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FROM TO GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF THE SOUTHWEST THE STATE OF County of I, , Clerk of the Count)' Court of County, do hereby certify that the above instrument of writing was filed for record in this office on A.D. 19 , at o'clock__ M. and duly recorded on o'clock M. in the A.D. 19 ~ at records of said County in Vol. on page Witness my hand and seal of office in the day and year last above written. BY Deputy Clerk, Count)' Court, County