Nlake WE P6/Re-CS 880824August 24, 1988
/l iw-
Professicflial Services Work Order - Condition Review and
Maintenance of Culvert Recommendation/632 Bethel School
Road - Don Jones, et al
As approved by the City Council last night, please initiate and conduct
attached work order. I am forwarding the original to Frank Trando for
completion of the work order. I'm requesting Frank to forward the
executed work order directly to you with a copy to this office.
Due to the situation (i.e. further deterioration of Mr. Jones' and
public property), I am asking you to start immediately with your work on
this matter. I would ask your cooperation on this small but very
important task. By that, I mean I am asking for an initial scoping
meeting with the Project Manager Kevin Peiffer, Steve Goram and myself,
as well as a pre-report meeting with those same individuals, and a
pre-report meeting with Mr. Jones, et al; so that any product of this
work will have the benefit of all concerned. The final report and
recommendations will be under the signature of a licensed engineer.
Admittedly a task this small in nature would not budget three (3)
meetings as described above, but I would ask that those meetings could
be a part of other project meetings, as they are timely in this task as
any other we must perform in a timely manner. I know we have your
Additionally, we need to look closely at the coordination of our work
and that of Mr. Jones' regrading, etc. We need to confirm and/or
develop documents to be signed by Mr. Jones exhibiting that he will
cooperate, accept the recommendation of your report, and hold harmless
the City of Coppe11, etc. We want to make sure of clear and continued
communication, establishment of legal responsibilities (public R.O.W vs.
private easements), and an agreement to release from Mr. Jones and
neighbors after our efforts are complete. That is, while we have done
this task for him, etc., we will only be responsible for the culvert and
drainway within the R.O.W. of Bethel School Road in the future. I look
to you and Larry Jackson for advise to assure that we accomplish that
The safety issue needs to be addressed. If the reports recommendation
on grading etc., does not mitigate the difference in elevations between
the sidewalk and drainway bottom, then we need a recommendation on the
installation of handrails, etc.
Thank you for bearing with me in this memo, but I want to keep the
project as clean as possible, and get it behind us once and for all.
Thank you.
Alan Ratliff, City Manager
Steve Goram, Director of Public Works
Shohre Daneshmand, Civil Engineer
Larry Jackson, City Attorney