Nlake WE P10/FP-CS 850322pROJECT DATA: DESCRIPTION:_ ~[~3/¢ ~,~,'.//W Zo,~-.~ - $'74' LOCATION :__ ' ~' /,~ ~c~ ~ ,'~, >'~/ /-1. SURVEY/AB STP, ACT: OWNER: Name Address: DATE: COUNTY: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR Name :__ /2~ n. Address: Phone: Phone: ........ ************************************************************* ZONING: Existing Zoning: . Request zoning change to Date: Approved by P&Z: Approved by Council: ******************************************************************************** ***** " Returned' Date: LAND STUDY: Received: ~'ZZ-Rf Reviewed by: Comments: ~a~ 3~ ~'~'~ ~r~'m,~r~? F~ ' Approved by P&Z: Approved by Council: ************************************************************************************ PRELIMINARY PLAT AND PLANS: Date: Returned: Received: 3'~z~ Reviewed by: ... Comments: ~ ~ ~'~'~ 4°f'~ P&Z Agenda: ~'!~'( 5 App'd: Council Agenda: .. App'd: _ FINAL PLA/ AND PLANS: Returned' Received: Reviewed by: _ Date: ' Co~eRts: P&Z Agenda: App' d: Agenda App' Council :. Final construction pJans approved by City Engineer: Begin construction: End construction: Acceptance of improvements by City:_ Submission of as-built drawings: One-year Warranty Date: Additional maintenance bonds:__ COM}~HNT S: