Nlake WE P6/Re-CS 870316 (3)CTTYOF COPPELL
A. Complete all parts of the official subdivision application form ...........
B. Pay appropriate filing fee: Preliminary Plat-SI00 plus $4.00 per lot...~
C. Submit twenty-twl (ZZ) folded prints of the pa'eliminary plat and plans
scale of l" =.100' or larger on sheet size 24" x 36". .................. : ......... ~
D. Submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the ~te-plan of the proposed
development .................................................................................. j]
E. Submit one (1) 8~4" x 11" print of both the preliminary plat and site
plan ............................................................................................... ~]
F. Submittal shall include a letter of transmittal requesting review ........ D
G. Prints of the lm-eliminary plat and pl~,_~ shall contain the following
I. "Preliminary Plat" title ............................................................ D
~-. Name of the proposed subdivision ................................................. 1~
3. Name and address of the subdivider .............................................
4. Name and address of the Engineer or Surveyor r~sponsibl~ for design or
survey .......................................................................................... n
5. Trac~ ~esi~a~ion and o=he~ descriptions accor~g ~o ~he abs~rac~ and surve~
records of Dallas Coun=7, Tex~ ..................................................... n
6. Nor=h poin=, s~ie and dane ........................................................... n
7. Boundary l~e of =he =rac: ..............................................................~
8. ~e n~mes of adjacent sub~iv~ions or ~mes ~f record of owners of adjo~in~
parcels ........... ~ .......................................................... ~
9. 'The lo~ion, wi~=hs ~ names of all ~i~mE propo~ or plat=ed s=ree~s,
easemen~ or o~her public ways wi=h~ or a~ce== ~o ~he =rac= ........ ~
l~. Exis=~g ra~road right-of-way ................... _ _: ............................... ~
1 ~. Sec=ion l~es, poli~i~ subdivision or corpora~ l~iu an~ school district
. bo~daries ................................................................... ~
1~. A~ parcels of l~d ~ded ~o ~ deii~ed for public use or reserved ~
=he deeds for :he use of a~ properw owners ~ =he proposed sub~ivmion
[oge=her wi=h =he purpose or condi=ions of l~i=a=ions of such
Exis=~ zon~ of sine ~d ~rroun~[ pro~... ...........................
~7ou=, ~umbers ~d approxima=e ~imensio~ of proposed lo=s and all
buil~S l~es ................................................. · ........................... n
I5. Location of proposed screening walls... ~
16. TOpography of r. be sine (im=ervals of 5 feet or i--sa, referred to seal level
plans shall show ex~ing structures; u=LLf~'~es, sewers, water ma~s,
~ive~, ~ o~er ~dergro~d ~c~ur~ ~ ~he :rac~ ~d immed~ely
agjacenl ~hereto with pi~ s~ ~d to~o~ ~ii~tet..,
Prelim~aw p~ of proposed water d~trib~io~ ~stem, sewage colle~ion
sy~em, on site ~ off site ~ra~age system ~ street
improvemen~ ............... ---:-- .............................. n
H. If the applicant is requesting any variances to ~._he Subdivision
Ordinance he must submit a letter specifically out]i,~inS his re-
spective requests ............................................ , ......................
I. The applicant must submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints of the
conceptual plan of the required landscaping whic_h shall conform
to the guidelines established in the approved .Slreetscape pl~,~ ....
For residential and non-residential subdivisions where the landscaping occurs in
common areas to be maintained by a property owners association, this plan shall
1. Edge treatment along major and minor arterials and collectors ......... m
2. Subdivision entry features ............................................................... ~
3. Screening wall locations ................................................................. m
After review by the City Staff, the applicant shall make all corrections requested
of him by the City Engineer ................................................................... m
This checklist is only a supplement to the current Subdivision Ordinance. It is the applicant's
respon~ibilit~ to review and comply with the. requireme~uts of the current Subdivision Ordinance.
Prints of the site plan shall contain the following information all one
Z4" x 36" sheet ( submit twenty-two (ZZ) folded prints and one (l)
8~/" x 11" print).
1. Property dimensions of thc site and approximate distance to nearest cross street;
All existing or proposed buildings on the proper:y, existing structures and fire lane
and access easements adjacent to the property, and access points on and adjacent to
the property;
Setbacks and building lineS;
4. All existing private and public streets including street widths, median openings, and
left-turn lanes;
5. Proposed ~reas of dedication, if necessary, including streets, alleys or easements;
6. Points of ingress and egress to ;,be property including design and spacing of' driveways;
7. Parkinl~ area' including number and layout of spaces, a/sle width, g~rbage pick-up
location, fire lanes, and types of surface of fire lanes;
8. Screening walls and location, type of screening wail, el:her living or masonry.
9. Indicate all areas to 'be landscaped, type of landscaping, and .total square footage of
: landscaped areas; do not use "tree s-.amps ;
Ail existing. ~ervic~. fire hydrants, water mains, and sewer mains within the tract-~ ~- : -;--- :-
~nd immediately adjacent to it with pip~ size ~d lo~tion ~di~t~. ~
i~ P~s~ ware[ ~d s~i~ sewer .pi~ 1~ with s~ ~di~ted ~d ~alves, ~ _
hydr~:s, m~holes, ~d other appurte~ces or struc:ur~ shown.
All proposed or existing water and sewer connections, me,er locations, si~e of motets,
with meter and/or de~ec~or check valve vaults ~di~te~; - -
F~hed floor elevation of proposed or exist~g s:ructures on the site referenced to
s~ level ~a~m;
14;. Existing and proposed contours of the tract in intervals of one foot or less, referenced
to s~a level e. atum;- '
!S. Proposed or exis~inE on and off-site inlets; culverts or other drainage stru~-:ures.
The following information should be -submit~et as ~otes on the site' plan:
A. Proposed use of :he' site or buildings.
C. $/ze of building (square footage).
iD. tteight .of all structures.
F.. Number of living units, by number of bedrooms, if applicable.
F. Calculation of the parking spaces required and provided.