Nlake WE P6/Re-AG 861028 ~7' /~ The City W,th A Beautiful Future / ~/ /~ , C~T~ COUnCiL AgEND~ ~EQUEST I. ~GENDA DATE REQUESTED: Octo~r 28, 1986 P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462-0022 II. RECOMMENq)ED ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of replat of lots 9 and 10, Block "J", Northlake Woodlands East - Phase 6; to: lot 9-R, Block "J". III. RECOMMENDATION OF PLANq~ING & ZONING COMMISSION: IV. STAFF REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO ATTEND COUNCIL MEETING: Ed Powell, City Engineer VI. VII. VIII. RECObS~EKDED TO BE DISCUSSED AT PRE-COL~CIL BRIEFING: Yes No SUPPORT MATERIAL: SUBMITTED Yes X No DATE SUBMITTED TO CI~' ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOE PREPARATION OF ANY LEGAL DOC~ENT, ORDIN~CE, RESOLUTION, ETC. FIN~CI~ REVI~: B~GETED IT~ NON B~GETED IT~ ORIGINAL ESTI~TE OR BUDGET CURRENT ESTImaTE: $ F}':tY:~r~-'~ ]W Plann~n~ and Zonin~ Department ~.-¢ .....~.~, OFFICE - HOLD SOURCE OF FUNDING: BOND FUNDS OPERATING BUDGET OTHER: ACCT. NO. FIELD NOTES G.T.E.EASEMENT ABANDONMENT BEING a tract of land situated in the James Parrish Survey, Abstract No. 1139, City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, and being part of Lots 9 and 10, Block J of Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 6, an addition to the City of Coppell, as recorded in Volume 85206, Page 784 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the North line of Bethel School Road (a 60' R.O.W.), and the West line of Hawk Lane (a 50' R.O.W.), same point being the Southeast corner of Lot 11, Block J, of said Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 6, said point also being the beginning of a curve to the left having a central angle of 01° 19' 45", a radius of 585.0 feet, and a chord bearing of S 65° 08' W, a point for corner; THENCE along said North line of Bethel School Road the following: Around said curve a distance of 13.57 feet to the end of said curve and the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle of 60° 06' 30", a radius of 300.0 feet, and a chord bearing of N 85° 04' 29" W, a point for corner; Around said curve a distance of 314.73 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, a point for corner; THENCE continuing along said North line of Bethel School Road, and around a curve to the right having a central angle of 1° 54' 38", a radius of 300.0 feet, and a chord bearing of N 54° 03' 56" W, a distance of 10.0 feet to the end of said curve, a point for corner; THENCE N 37° 19' 50" E, leaving said North line of Bethel School Road a distance of 177.02 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 86° 42' 08" E, a distance of 44.52 feet to a point on the common line of Lots 10 and 13, Block J, a point for corner; THENCE S 13° 38' 09" E, along the common line of Lots 10, 12 and 13, Block J, a distance of 10.17 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 86° 42' 08" W, leaving the common line of Lots 10 and 12, Block J, a distance of 41.75 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S 37° 19' 50" W, a distance of 172.18 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 2,178 square feet or 0.045 acres of land. EXHIBIT "A"