Nlake WE P6/Re-CS 861017The City With A Beautiful Future P. O. Box 478 Coppe!t, Texas 75019 214 - 462 · 0022 TO: FROM: DATE: Frank Trando, Interim City Manager Ed Powell, City Engineer,5.~_' October 17, 1986 SUBJECT: Rep]at of Lots 9 and I0, Block J; Northlake Woodlands East - Phase 6 For your information Mr. Don Tipton, Consulting Engineer for the Northlake Woodlands East - Phase 6 project, has submitted plans for the replat of Lots 9 and 10, Block J. His request is to replat these two lotm into a single lot, which will be designated as Lot 9-R, Block J. Since th~s development has been previously reviewed and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council, and no underground utilities or street paving will be changed; we are requesting that we be allowed to bypass the Planning and Zoning Commission, as authorized in Section VI, page 2, Procedures for Subdivision, of the C~ty of Coppell Subdivision Ordinance, and submit this request directly to the City Council for their approval or disapproval. Please consider placing this item on the October 28, 1986 City Council agenda.