Meadows P1-2/Re-CS 830706P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214 - 462 - 0022 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Police Dept. Fire Dept. Street Dept. Water Dept. Utility Billing Courtl C1 erk Inspections Dept. Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary July 6, 1983 Renaming of streets in the Meadows Addition Attached is a copy of Sections I & II of The Meadows Subdivision. Please note the name changes for those streets that are highlighted. Also, personnel in the Inspections Dept. are requested to notify any builders or change any permits that might be affected by these changes. If you have any questions, please let me know. cc: Ron Ragland, City Manager ? , , .,I UNITED STATES POST OFFICE DATE: OUR REF: SUBJECT: July 6, 1983 Renaming of streets in Meadows Addition TO: · Mr. Ron Ragland City Manager City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 I'm writing in regards to the renaming of two streets in the~Meadows Addition. My original request of May 5, 1983, is attached for your information. It was my understanding that the City Council voted to change the street names at the May 10, 1983, meeting. It has recently come to my attention that those names may have been rejected and that a suggestion for new names from me has been requested. I recommend the names of Leslie Lane & Deann Drive be considered. Due to the rapid development of that area, these changes need to be made as soon as possible. Please advise me as to the status of this project. Sincerely, Ginger Ware Postmaster Coppell, Texas 75019 Attachment UNITED STATES POST OFFICE DATE: May 5, 1983 OUR REF: GW SUBJECT: Renaming of streets in Meadows Addition TO: Andy Brown, Mayor City of Coppell P. 0. Box 478 Coppell~ Texas 75019 Following is my suggestion for renaming the streets in the Meadows Addition. I suggest Lansdowne Circle begin at street number 817 and end with street number 165 as indicated on attachment. This would eliminate the need for any residents to change their address. I suggest that Lansdowne Circle East (beginning with number 144 as shown and ending with number 100) be renamed Plumlee Drive. I suggest that Lansdowne St. (821 to end) be renamed Lee Drive. Your suggestions or changes in the new names are welcome. I thought it would be appropriate to name these streets in honor of citizens who have made an outstanding'contribution to our city. Sincerely, Postmaster Coppell, Texas 75019 Attachment I .,I Ron, The reason for the request to rename these streets was explaine~ in an earlier memo to the City. As you will note on attachment, Lansdowne Circle East and West are running parallel to each other. The num0ers are tile same. I feel the same name used three times will be detrimental to all city services as well as the mail delivery. We are already receiving correspondence to customers on Lansdowne Circle West addressed to 10t Lansdowne. I believe a potentially dangerous situation could exist in the event o£ a medical emergency or fire. It is very common for residents to leave of the "circle" or other street desigmation when giving out their address. I think this would be particularly true in an emergency situation. Having the designations "Circle West" and "Circle Fast" further complicates the situation. I have highlighted the area in yellow on Lansdowne Circle West where we alrea~ have residents. (Red marking indicates occupied lo~). No one has moved in on Lansdowne Circle Fast or Lansdowne St. at this] time. However, action should be taken immediately because two houses are nearing completion on Lansdowne St. I am requesting on future developments that the Postal Service be contacted to review and mako recommendations on the names given new streets before final approval is gran!,:~ !~ ~ , ~o~:,~oper. This] request was made in July 7, 1981, and was granted. However, it was never fully implemented. I believe this practice would help to eliminate situations such as the Lansdowne name being overused. There are also several other streets having very close similarities in other areas of the city. Your consideration and early attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. I .,!