Nlake WE P6/Re-DR 900829 (2) PLANNit8 DEPAETMENT ~eview of NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS EAST, W8 ADDiTIOn, BLK. F, LOT 20 ~evieweo Dy: Au§ust ~9, Ta~¥on Bowr~an, Planning & Ioning if ccrp~ectior~s are requi~ed please su~it ~6 foiOeo pimps to the Planning Department ~¥ ~ida¥, ~ugust 5i. ~e¥iew will ~on~inue a~ the next Deveiopmer~ Review Committee meeting scheduieo fo~ Wedr~esda¥, Septe~ber 5, at 2:50 p.m.. This pepiat is scheduieo fo~ ~evie~ ~y the Piar~i~g Cor~ission on T~ursday, Sep~e~beriS, i990 at the City Co~z~cil on Tuesaay, ~ep~nbe~ 18, i~0 a~ ~:00 p.m.