Meadows P1-2/Re-CS 900321CITy OF COPPELL SUBDI¥1SION APPLICATION '6. }tre~t_ __ ~ · City s~to zip .Phone I /~ ~ ~ ~b~ St~ee~ ~ C~ S~ate .,¥ ?'~ ' .- . Developer Address All Correspondence relative, to this app!£catto~ whom~ should be d£:ected to Address ~.. ~ X,~ . ~ ~ /,oo ci t y, s t a t e, ' z ip y~//o~ / 7-~d/ 10. 14hat is the present Zoning District7 ~-~? Are you requesting any zoning change? .~,o If yes, what is the Case rile No;7 Zoning ' district, requested? ,Pr°P°set Subdivision Contains~ Land Use Ro. o~ ~ts o~ Units Ac~es {~or each use) Received Address 0007449