Nlake WE P10/PP-CS 850513GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 13, 1985 Don A. Tipton 13600 LBJ Freeway, 1301 Garland, Texas 75041 Re: Preliminary Plat Northlake Woodlands East No. 10 Coppe11, Texas Gentlemen~ Our firm has reviewed the above referenced plat for conformance to the City Subdivision Ordinance, and we are recommending that this item be placed on the May 16, 1985, Planning and Zoning Commission agenda. We have the following comments: Please prepare preliminary plat in form .required by Subdivision Ordinance prior to submittal to City Council. 0 a. Complete names of adjoiner§ b. Locations, names, widths ot existing or platted streets c. Dedications and easements d. Proposed screening walls e. Layout, names, and widths of proposed streets f. Any requested variances g. Preliminary streetscape plan A preliminary layout of water, sewer, and drainage has been submitted separately· Please combine this information with preliminary plat. Please note that the lot and street arrangement as shown does not conform to platting requirements: a. A minimum radius of 425~ is required on horizontal curves except at approaches to intersections· b. Horizontal curves in sanitary sewers with radii less than 750t are not permitted. c. Block lengths cannot exceed 1200~. Please consult Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances and Streetscape Plan for a more complete list of requirements. Feel free to contact me concerning the above. Sincerely, · Wankum, P.E. 16135 Preston Road · Suite 106 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/386-6611