Nlake WE P10/PP-CS 850401GINN, INC.
April 1, 1985
Don A. Tipton, Inc.
6330 Belt Line Road, Suite C
Garland, Texas 75043
Preliminary Plat
Northlake Woodlands East Phase 10
Coppe11, Texas
The preliminary water, sewer, and drainage plans for the
above referenced project have been received by this office.
We understand that this item has been tentatively scheduled
for the April 18 Planning and Zoning Commission agenda.
Please submit a preliminary plat for the above project in
accordance with the current subdivision ordinance -- this
will be necessary before we can recommend that it be placed
on the above agenda.
Please be advised that the ordinance requires a minimum 430'
centerline radius on all streets except at intersections.
Also, construction plans larger that 24' x 36' will not be
accepted. Please refer to the City of Coppe11 StreetsCape
Plan for additional submittal requirements.
Please feel free to contact me concerning the above.
. Wankum, P.E.
cc= Ron Ragland
16135 Preston Road * Suite 106 * Dalla,. Texas 75248 * Phone 214/386-6611