Nlake WE P10/PP-CS 850315Don A. Tipton, Inc 6330 Belt Line Road Suite C Garland, Texas 75043 214-226-2967 £OPPELL, EXAS 750i9, S__[I~D~VIS~ON APPLICATION Subdivision Name Preliminary-Plat Applicant Address Phone t Date LMarch ..NORTHLAKE WOODLANDS EAST PHASE lO -. ~)tX Final Plat · DON A, TIPTON. INC, _6330 Belt Line Road Suite C, Garland. Texas 75043 Street (214) 226-2967 Firm Preparing Plat _ Don A. Tioton. Inc. Address _6330 Belt Line Road Garland, Texas 75043 Street City Phone (214) 226-?q67 State 19 ~c Zip P'roperty Owner. Steve Parsons Address _ 102 Mead0wcreek Suite 10l CoDoel] T, xa~ 7501q Street - - City State Phone ! 462-] 665 Zip Developer .Steve Parsons Address 102 Meadowcreek Suite lO1 Street Phone ( 462-1665 ~nnngl I Te.v_a ~ 7~nl a City" State ...... Zip All Correspondence relative to this application should be directed to whom: Name Dna A Ti,n~nn: TalC. Address 6330 Belt Line Rnnd City, State, Zip Garland, Texas 75043 Phone t 226-2967 General Location Of ~roperty North F3~t mn.ne~ of Belt Line'Road & Mockingbird Lane l~hat is the present Zoning District? ~F-q Are you requesting any zoning change? No If ues. ~hal~ ~s the Case F. fle No.? Zoning district requested?' Proposed Subdivision Contains: Land Use No. of Lots or Units Acres (for each use) Single Family pup]ex Mu]ti-Family Corem(: r c: i a 1 I ndu:;tr ] al Public Street R/W Parks, Public Condominju,n (specify new or converson) Tote l 374 SIGNATURE ....... OWNER , 462-0022 1216 OFFI~