Nlake WE P10A/Re-CS 871027October 27, 1987 TO: FROM: RE: Alan Ratliff, City Manager Frank Trando, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director~ Inquiry about Steve Parson's Northlake Woodlands #10 Addition In response to your question this morning on the status of Mr. Parsons's request to have the property line moved from thirty (30) feet to twenty-five (25) feet in his Northlake Woodlands #10 Addition. I have discussed this matter with Dale Jackson and he informs me that about two (2) to three (3) weeks ago Mr. Parsons had approached him about having the building line shortened by five (5) feet. Dale in- formed Mr. Parsons that he had the following two (2) options: 1) 2) To have the subdivision replatted. Go before the Board of Adjustments. However, Dale stated that the best approach would be to replat the subdivision, due to the fact that he would have to prove a hardship if he chose to go before the Board of Adjustments. On approximately Wednesday of last week Steve Parsons came in and spoke with Shohre Daneshmand. At that time Shohre informed him that he had missed the deadline, which was October 19, 1987, to place a replat on the agenda to go before the Planning and Zoning Commission in November. He had no plans available at that time to be reviewed. As it would appear at this time, the December Planning and Zoning Commission meeting would be the earliest that he would be able to place a replat on the agenda. The deadline for that meeting is Tuesday, November 17, 1987. Shohre Daneshmand has informed Mr. Parsons of the above dates. Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. FT/lsg MEMO-FT/AR PZAGN2