Nlake WE P10A/Re-CS 851206The City With A Beautiful Future P.O.~x4~ December 6. 1~85 TO: Vivyon ~ Adrninletretive A~ietant FROM: Dabble l-eyt, om Administrative Secretary Public ~/Ork. Department RE: Aaee~rnent Fee~ on Northl~ke ~/oodlands East. Phase I0 815 Construction Permit (Ba~ed on cost estimate Of ~.000) Total gus -- $ 33,900 865 ~/ater Availability (375 lots I~ $220] /~'~, 82.500 866 Sewer Availability (375 lots I~ S220) I~,~ 62,500 680 ~/ater Load Test [ba~ed on app. 9.021 feet 151 of water line) Perk Perk Fees [375 Iota X $75] I~'~' 26.125 632 Street Lights [6q · $290) I ~ 18,gqq 632 Street Sign~ [28 Stree~t~ Signs] q,535' (22 ~eed limit ,i~) 1 ~;? 1.701 TOTAL OUE 1 252.q78 If there are any questions concerning the~e fee .~eaaments. please feel free to call. cc: Director of Public ~/orks .~ , !,~- ~