Nlake WE P12/FP-CS 890420 (2)Item 16. Consider approval of a final plat for Pecan Hollow
Addition, located approximately 550' south of the southwest
corner of Parkway Boulevard and Lodge Road, at the request
of Gateway U.S.A.
Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the
presentation to the Council. Mr. sieb stated that the Planning &
Zoning Commission has recommended approval of this final plat with
seven conditions. Those conditions are as follows:
1. A homeowners association be required to maintain the common
areas and the drainage area;
2. That a letter of permission and working out of the common
drainage problems be obtained from ABQ Development Company, with
the approval of the City's Engineering staff; if the letter
cannot be procured, that drainage problems be resolved with
approval of the City's Engineering staff;
3. That a note be placed on the plat that front entry houses will
be built on property where no alleys are provided;
4. Less than four foot encasement sanitary sewers be allowed on
Lots B - 1, 2 and 3;
5. That Beechwood Lane be curved to fit with the development of ABQ
Development's property;
6. That Pecan Hollow Addition be able to modify Lots C - 1, and B -
1 through 5, between now and the time it is brought before the
City Council to fit in with that configuration;
7. That the minimum curve radius of 425 feet be waived, and the
computed centerline curve radius shall be allowed.
Also present to discuss this item with the Council was Mr. Jerry Parche
representing ABQ Development, and Mr. Cameron representing Gateway USA.
Discussion was also held concerning a drainage easement that is needed
to adequately drain this property. It would be required on Lots C -
1 through C-10. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Morton
moved that the final plat be approved subject to the following
1. A homeowners association be required to maintain the common
areas and the drainage area;
2. That a letter of permission and working out of the common
drainage problems be obtained from ABQ Development Company, with
the approval of the city's Engineering staff; if the letter
cannot be procured, that drainage problems be resolved with
approval of the City's Engineering staff;
3. That a note be placed on the plat that front entry houses will
be built on property where no alleys are provided;
4. Less than four foot encasement sanitary sewers be allowed on
Lots B - 1, 2 and 3;
5. That Beechwood Lane be curved to fit with the development of ABQ
Development's property;
6. That Pecan Hollow Addition be able to modify Lots C - 1, and B -
1 through five, between now and the time it is brought before
the City Council to fit in that configuration;
7. That the minimum curve radius of 425 feet be waived, and the
computed centerline curve radius shall be allowed.
8. To dedicate a 15 ft. easement on Lots C - 1 through 10 to be
shown on the final plat.
Councilman Robertson seconded motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor
Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
presentation to the Council.
Zoning Com-ission recommended
Consider approval of a i~1~~for ~orthlake
Item 17. ~Rt ~12 Addition_located at.the northwest corner of the
St. Louis and Sou~western Railroad and Mockingbird Lane,
at the request of Don Tipton Engineering.
of Planning & Community services, Gary Sieb, made the
Mr. Sieb stated that the Planning
approval by a unanimous vote. The
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applicant is requesting the following conditions: 1) deletion of alleys
on Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9; 2) allow lot one frontage on Mockingbird
Lane; 3) waiver of center line radius on Crestview Court to 75 feet.
The comprehensive subdivision ordinance requires a minimum distance of
425 feet. Mr. Sieb indicated to the Council that this plat had been
previously approved by the Council; however, applicant did not get it
filed within the time frame as required. Therefore, it is required to
be brought back before Council for approval. Following discussion on
this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the final plat be
approved as presented with the following conditions:
1. Deletion of alleys on Lots 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, and 9;
2. Allow Lot 1 frontage on Mockingbird Lane;
3. Waiver of centerline radius on Crestview Court to 75 feet
(Comprehensive Subdivision Ordinance requires a minimum distance
of 425 feet).
Councilman Morton seconded; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman, Robertson
and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Item 18. Consider approval of a final plat for Lake Park Addition,
located along the west side of MacArthur Boulevard, north
of Deforest Road, and south of Denton Creek, at the request
of Dan Dowdey and Associates.
Director of Planning & Community Services, Gary Sieb, made the
presentation to the Council. Mr. Sieb indicated that the Planning &
Zoning Commission has recommended unanimous approval of this final plat
with the following six conditions:
1. That a left turn lane be provided on Lake Park Drive at the
intersection of MacArthur; and
2. That a combination masonry and wrought iron screening wall
adjacent to this property on MacArthur be provided by the
3. Minimum street centerline radius to be less than 425 feet;
4. Allow Circle Cove Drive intersection with MacArthur Boulevard
5. Exemption to the current Floodplain Management Ordinance; a~
6. Allow curved sanitary sewers.
Mr. Glen Hinckley, applicant, was also present to discuss this item
with the Council. Mr. Hinckley stated that he would agree to one-
story homes on this development on Lots 1 through 11. Discussion was
held concerning the possibility of flooding on the mud lift station,
and was informed by the applicant that the developer is incorporating
a storm drainage system on MacArthur to take care of drainage for this
mud lift station. Following discussion on this item, Councilman
Robertson moved that the final plat be approved with the following
seven conditions:
1. That a left turn lane be provided on Lake Park Drive at the
intersection of MacArthur; and
2. That a combination masonry and wrought iron screening wall
adjacent to this property on MacArthur be provided by the
3. Minimum street centerline radius to be less than 425 feet;
4. Allow Circle Cove Drive intersection with MacArthur Boulevard
5. Exemption to the current Floodplain Management ordinance;
6. Allow curved sanitary sewers; and
7. Lots 1-11 will be single story homes.
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman,
Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
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