Meadows P3/Re-DR 900329 (2)DATE: 3-29-90 General Telephone Company of the Southwest ATTACHNENT TO:CITY OF COPPELL DRC HEET~NG H[NUTES ADDITION NANE: PRELIMINARY RENARKS: Add a 7 1/2' GTE easement (or chanqe the labelinq of the TUE easement to Utility) alonq the soul~h side of lot 3R Block J. The Meadgw6 Seq., lll- Replat F'INAL PLAT ( is ) ( is no1: ) accel~l;able An.¥ cable or pedestal relocation cost requided due to the replattinq of lots shall be born by the developer. Estimated cost per pedesta! location i$ $1.000.00. ' GTE will work with the Developers Enqineer to determine which pedestals/qabl~ must be relocated. GTE Southweet Rei3reeentative A Dar~ ot GTE Comoral~on