Meadows P6/FP-CS 890816D. R. HORTON. INC. 2221 East Lamar Blvd., Suite 950 Arlington, Texas 76006 817-640-8200 August 16, 1989 Mr. Alan Ratliff, City Manager City of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Samuel Boulevard Construction Dear Mr. Ratliff: The purpose of this letter is to update you and the City Council of our progress on the development along Samuel Boukvard. First, I wanted to inform you of a delay in my schedule that has occurred. By no fault of contractors or the City, we were not able to start construction until August 1, 1989. Because of the very difficult task of obtaining and closing a development loan, we lost a considerable amount of time. But we are underway and have determined our revised construction schedule. Of course, of primary importance to the City is the completion of Samuel Boulevard as it relates to the new school year. I am planning to start work on Samuel Boulevard by September 5. It should take about a week to complete and hopefully will be open for the school week beginning September 11. I've had a discussion with the principal of Lee Elementary, Mr. Bruce MacDonald, to inform him of my progress and get his input. He was very pleased with our proposed improvements and, although he knew some congestion will occur in the first few weeks of the school year, he said he would notify all parents and children to use caution in the area during the construction period. I informed Mr. MacDonald that the problem of ponding water along Samuel would be alleviated even after our excavation of the new section of road. This made him extremely happy in that children were being splashed while walking to school under the previous conditions. Again, I want to apologize for the delay but I honestly feel all parties concerned are striving to get this project done as soon as possible. The City has certainly done their part, and I hope you will allow us to do ours. Sinc~y, GDJ/mlk Gordon D. Jol~s Vice President FORWARDED TO DATE: / ,