Meadows P6/FP-CS 890518 (3)Minutes of May 18, 1989 Planning & Zoning Commission Page 4 DRAFT motion; motion carried (5-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Commissioner Tunnell arrived at this time. Item 12: To consider approval of a final plat for the Shadow Woods Estates Addition, located near the southwest corner of Coppell Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Centex Real Estate Corporation. Commissioner Green moved to deny the final plat for Shadow Woods Estates. Commissioner Redford seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 13: To consider approval of a final plat (resubmittal) for Coppell High School, located west of Denton Tap Road and south of the future Parkway Boulevard extension, at the request of the Coppell Independent School District. Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. Mr. Robert Howman of Ayres and Associates was present to represent this item before the Commission. Following discussion Commissioner Weaver moved to approve the final plat resubmittal for Coppell High School as submitted. Commissioner Tunnell seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 14: To consider approval of a final plat for the Meadows Addition, Section Six, located at the southeast corner of Boulevard and Parkway Boulevard, at the request Construction, Inc. Samuel of DT Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the Commission. Mr. Gordon Jones of D.T. Construction was present to represent this item before the Commission. Following discussion Commissioner Redford moved to approve the final plat for the Meadows Section Six Addition, as submitted. Commissioner Weaver seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Johnson, Redford, Tunnell and Weaver voting in favor of the motion. Item 15: General discussion concerning platting and zoning issues. It was the consensus of the Commission that the following items should be placed on the June, 1989, Planning and Zoning Commission agenda: