Meadows P6/FP-CS 880523Planning and Zoning Co-ordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. She stated that the rendering was a condition for approval of the previous zoning case; therefore, any changes made to this rendering constitutes a new zoning change. Mr. Alan Goldberg and Mr. Pat Donovan representing the applicant also spoke to the Council. Mr. Goldberg stated that the brick would be identical to that used in the shopping center. Mayor Duggan then declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed zoning change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak for the proposed zoning change. Again, there were none. The public hearing was declared closed. During discussion by the Council, concern was expressed about bricking the columns in the car wash. Following further discussion Councilman Wolfe moved that the zoning change be approved subject to the columns on the car wash being bricked and a rendering being attached as a part of the zoning ordinance. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion which is recorded as a 6-1 vote with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. Councilman Pettijohn abstaining from the motion, with no conflict of interest being indicated, and Councilman Wilkerson voting against the motion. Councilman Pettijohn's abstention is recorded as an affirmative vote as stated under Section 3.11 (B) of the Coppell Home Rule Charter. The motion passed with six (6) votes being required to overturn recommended denial by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Item 6: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #PD-105, from (SF-9) Single Family-9, to (PD)(SF-9) Planned Development Single Family-9, on property located at the southeast corner of Parkway Boulevard and Samuel Boulevard at the request of Meadowglen Properties. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting: Decision of Planning and Zoning - December 17, 1987 - Approval (7-0) (WITH STIPULATIONS) Planning and Zoning Co-ordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. She stated that seven (7) responses had been received, two (2) in favor and five (5) against this proposed zoning change. Mr. Glen Hinkley representing the applicant also made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Duggan declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons who wished to speak against the proposed zoning change. There were none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak in favor of the proposed zoning change. Those persons speaking were Mr. Terry Hoffman, representing the Homeowners Association. The public hearing was then declared closed. Planning and Zoning Co-ordinator Taryon Bowman stated that an additional request for variance had been received on this item and is recommended. This variance concerns the percentage of lot coverage. Following discussion on this item Councilman Morton moved that this zoning change be approved with the developer agreeing to deed restrict all lots in the development as follows: 1. During the first three (3) years the minimum dwelling size shall be 1750 square feet. At the end of the three (3) year period if 50% of the lots have not been developed or 50% of the houses have not been sold, the minimum dwelling size shall be 1600 square feet. During the first three (3) year period a builder may apply to the Homeowners Association to construct less than a 1750 square foot home. If such a request is first approved by the Homeowners Association and the Coppell Board of Adjustments such builder may build in accordance with such approval without being in violation of the minimum 1750 square foot condition of this deed restriction. The Coppell Board of Adjustments will not be requested to consider such matters until after an applicant has obtained approval by the Homeowners Association. Councilman Wolfe seconded the motion which carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. PLATTING Item 7: Consider approval of a final plat for St. Ann's Catholic Church, located approximately 600 feet north from the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel Boulevard, at the request of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Dallas. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting Decision of Planning and Zoning - December 17, 1987 - Approval (6-0) With the provision that the funds for the building of the sidewalk be escrowed. Planning and Zoning Co-ordinator Taryon Bowman also made this presentation to the Council. She stated that the request is for a Church and a multi-purpose building. The cost of the sidewalk, approximately $4,000 dollars, has been recommended to be escrowed. Kevin Peiffer representing City Engineer Wayne Ginn's office stated that it is their recommendation that the sidewalks not be built at this time due to the possibility of it being torn up when the construction of Samuel Boulevard is undertaken. The applicant is requesting that a Letter of Credit be filed with the City as opposed to the money being escrowed. Following discussion by the Council, Mayor Pro Tem Stanton moved that this plat be approved with the stipulation that a Letter of Good Faith Credit be filed with the City for the construction of the cost of the sidewalk. Councilman Wolfe seconded; motion carried unanimously with Mayor Pro Tem Stanton, Councilmen Wilkerson, Pettijohn, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman and Wolfe voting in favor of the motion. Item 8: Consider approval of a final plat for Gateway Park at Coppell Addition, located at the southeast corner of Beltline Road and Southwestern Boulevard. Date of Planning and Zoning Meeting Decision of Planning and Zoning - December 17, 1987 - Approval (5-0-1) (WITH STIPULATIONS) Planning and Zoning Co-ordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to the Council. Also present to discuss this item was Mr. Ted Searcy representing the applicant. Due to legal questions that arose among the Council during discussion on this item, Mayor Duggan declared an Executive Session at 9:05 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 1988 as posted and allowed under Article 6252-17 Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between Attorney and client. Following this portion of the Executive Session, Mayor Duggan declared the Executive Session adjourned and the meeting~open to the public on Tuesday, January 12, 1988 at 9:15 p.m. Following further discussion on this item Councilman Wolfe moved that the plat be approved with the following stipulations: The present extension of Bullock Drive to line-up with Howell Drive and abandon the Bullock extension as shown on the plat. 2. Southwestern right-of-way become one-way westbound from Denton Tap to Dairy Queen entrance.