Nlake WE P12/Re-DR 900829[rF_VELOP'i,ENT RE¥~EW COflMI'i'TEE
R~'vi~ of
Rev i~ by:
Piease lnciude the telephone numbep of the en§ineepin§ finn o~
the face of ~he ~epiat.
in o¥-der i;o cor~tinue ~evie~ of ~his ~epla~ please su~nit ~6
~evised~ ~olded pia~s ~o toe Planning Depa~me~ by F~iday,
Augus~ 5i. R~i~ ~iii c~ir, ue a~ the nex~ D~eiopm~ R~ie~
C~mi~ee meeting scheOuied ~o~ Wednesday~ Se~ab~ 5, at ~:50
This r-epia~ is scheduled fc.~r- r-e'vie~ by the glar~iz~g a~
Commission on Thups~ay, September i3, i990 at 7:30 p.m. a~d
the City Coup, oil o~, Tuesoay, Se~ab~ i8, i~ a~
~ep~es~ative fo'c this ~ojec~ mus~ be in a~a~,ce
mee% i r,9 s I