Meadows P6/FP-CS 900308DATE: TO: FROM: RE: COPPELL PUBLIC WORKS~~[/ mmommD II,'I t ! March 8, 1990 Taryon Bowman, ~lanning & Zoning Coordinator Russell Doyl~ity Engineer Meadows Sect£~ 6, Phase 2, Final Plat (Planning & Zoning Meeting Date: March 15, 1990) Public works staff has reviewed the above referenced project and we have the following comments: Appropriate development fees must be paid by the applicant prior to the City Council approval of the final plat. We are in the process of sending a letter to the applicant regarding fees. Please provide a revised final plat showing which lots are being platted at this time. The applicant shall provide a letter addressed to Howard Pafford, Water Utilities Superintendent, regarding existing utility verification. We are presently working with the applicant on getting the final construction plans per the City's standards for approval. We have no objection to this plat, if the above items are provided when appropriate. If you have any questions, please let me know. RRD/MSD/bb xc: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works Bill Anderson, Dan M. Dowdey'& Associates MEADOWS.MSD