Old Coppell/PP-CS 950217The City With A Beautiful Future February 17, 1995 P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 Mr. David Blom WPC-Bethel Development Corporation 3960 Broadway, Suite 125 Garland, TX 75043 RE: Old Coooell Estates. Preliminary Plat Dear David: This letter is to inform you that your request for approval of Old Coppell Estates, Preliminary Plat, located 2/10tbs of a mile east of Coppell Road on the north side of Bethel Road, was recommended for approval by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday, February 16, 1995. The following conditions apply: 1. the landscaping and screening wall need to be dimensioned; 2. a Homeowners Association is needed to maintain the common open space; 3. the existing floodplain adjacent to the site should be shown; 4. a screening wall easement should be provided on the lots adjacent to Bethel Road and adjacent to the alley; and 5. various fees will be required for the development, such as water, sewer, park and Roadway Impact Fees. The date scheduled for consideration by the Coppell City Council is Tuesday, March 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. A representative for this case must be present at this meeting. Failure to represent this item may result in the denial of this application. A.I.C.P. Dir~tor of Planning & Community Services bhj ' xc: GDI and Associates, Inc. Isabelle Moro, P&Z Coordinator Building Inspection