Old Coppell/PP-CS 950118WPC-Bethel Development Corp 3960 Broadway, Suite 125 Garland, Texas, 75043 214-840-0953 CITY 0£ COPP£LL DATE!, Ja,n- Subdivision Name_Old CopDell E.s.~tates ..... Applicant WP.C - Bethel Dey.~~nt Corn- . Add,ess 3960 _Br__o w_~l.~3.y.~_Ii~te 125...~a~land. Texa-~ 75043 Street Clt7 State Zip Phone # 214-840=0~53 , GDI and Associates, Inc. Firm Pre~arin9 Pla~ 555 Republig Dr-- Suite 201 .. Plane,.. Tx 75074 -- Street Ci t~ Stat~ Zip P~0ne ~_.2~4=_~1-0369 __ ~ ~ ~ l~' I ~ 0~ P~operty ~e~ Same as Applicant Add,ess Street City State Zip Phone g 6. Developer Address Same .as Applicant 6treet City State Zip Phone 7,',:All Correspondence relative To this application should be directed to whom: Name WPC - Bethel D~velooment Corp. Address_ 3960 Broadway. Suite 125 City, State, zip Garland, ,.T~x.as 75043_ " Phone #.. 21 4-840-0953 8. General Location of Property. Two tenth~ of a mile east of Co~ll Road on th no ' ' 10. What is the present Zoning District? any zoning change? No Zoning district Requested? Proposed Subdivision Contains~ ~and Use No. oi bOtS or Un/ts ~n~le Family _ 34 Duulex Industrial Public Street Parks, Public SF-9 Are yOU requesting yes, what is the Cage Acres ( tot ea. use) 1..0. 764 34 10.7~a - SUDAPP 0025294