Old Coppell/PP-DR 950126DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMItTeE BUILDING INSPECTION COMMENTS ITEM: O~d Coppe~ r. stazes DRC DATE: January26, 1995 ~ Greg Jones, Chief Building ~ (304-3500) ~ STA TUS: ,I' INIIIAL PR EL.~'nr, AR Y 1. Need street names .2; Lots 6 and 10 BLock 2 are only 40' deep 3his seems awfillly narrow, would like to see plan of proposed residencm 3. Residents on North side of .Road B will have their front yards facing a 6' wood fence along the property hne across the street Would recormmnd that a decorative masonry/wrought iron fence be required with maintenance by homeowners assn. Otherwise, the City will inherit the complainB when the fence gets in disrepair. The fence should extend across all lots on the South side of s~reet B.