121 BP/SP,Re-DR 981229 (2) TUElectric T®xl. Utllltl®8 Compinl®8 Comments for the City of Coppell Development Review Committee One Twenty One Business Park, Replat of Lots 1 and 2, Phase I, Block 1, and Site Plan Review of Lot 2, Block 1 December 29, 1998 Replat is not acceptable. Easements for TU facilities will need to be on plat. Please contact Jeff Curt3' at 972/570-4126 with load information so facilities and easements needed to serve can be determined and easements can be platted. Please call me at 972/888-1307 if you have any questions. Tim Brancheau 14400 losey Lane Farme~ Branch, T~xas 75234