Paragon/SPRv-CS 981008Board of Adjustment
October 8, 1998
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ITEM 6: Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 21-3-105) of the
City's Zoning Ordinance, which concerns a reduction in the eastern building setback
line for the property located at 408 W. Bethel Road. Mr. Bob Macioeh, representing
Paragon Communications, Inc., is requesting an approximate 6-ft. variance to the
setback requirement at the eastern building line to allow for the construction of a
minimum-sized (400 sq. ft.) structure to house fiber optics equipment.
Greg Jones provided additional detail regarding this request. He explained that Coppell has the
opportunity to have fiber optics added to the cable system, and Paragon wishes to move forward to
construct a building on this property to house the new equipment. He noted that this property is
currently zoned retail, and therefore, is required to have 30-ft. setbacks. Paragon Cable's proposed,
structure will be 20-ft. by 20-ft. In discussions with the applicant, Greg Jones noted that there is a
critical November deadline date for completion of the building to coincide with the arrival of the new
equipment. If the construction deadline cannot be met, the entire process would be delayed until
sometime in 1999 or 2000, in which case, Paragon would need to move this operation to a different
city. He noted that the packet includes a drawing which indicates the location of the new fiber optic
Greg Jones further reported that Paragon's existing property is 71-ft. wide at the front by 76-ft. wide
at the back. They're requesting a variance on the eastern side of the property to reduce the sideyard
setback by 6 feet, to approximately 24 feet. He explained that the existing wood structure on that
property houses the current equipment and will be demolished following the construction of the new
structure and the changeover of equipment. Greg Jones reported that site plan approval has been
granted for this property. He distributed a memo verifying approval by the Planning and Zoning
Commission, noting that this case will go before City Council next Tuesday, pending approval of the
sideyard variance by this Board this evening. He noted that Staff recommends approval of this
Chairman Stonecipher asked if this property was originally residential, and Greg Jones indicated that
he couldn't recall what the previous zoning had been, but he believed it was probably a residential-
use. Chairman Stonecipber asked for clarification on the finished project, and Greg Jones indicated
that it would simply be the building and parking lot; the existing tower and satellite dishes would be
Commissioner Wright commented that the 6-ft. strip of property located between 408 W. Bethel and
the property to the east belongs to the Mitchell Family trust. If that strip could be added to 408 W.
Bethel, this variance request would be unnecessary. Greg Jones agreed, but indicated that he was
uncertain if such an arrangement was possible since, historically, this strip of property was originally
needed as access to a parcel that might otherwise become land-locked. He noted that the applicant
could probably better answer this question.
Commissioner Jamadar asked for clarification on whether the variance request was for 6 feet or 10
feet, noting that the parcel is tapered from front to back. Greg Jones responded that the applicant was
most likely providing an estimate when he submitted the request for a 10-ft. variance, but the actual
need appears to be 6 feet. Commissioner Jamadar further commented that because the building will
Board of Adjustment
October 8, 1998
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undergo an 800 sq. ft. front expansion in the future, as shown on the plans, a total 10-ft. setback may
actually be necessary. Greg Jones commented that he was uncertain whether there would be a future
expansion, but if so, the applicant would need to request an additional variance or purchase more
property to meet the setback as the need arises.
The applicant was invited to step forward to present his case.
Andy Reese, representing Paragon Cable, explained that Bob Macioch was unable to attend this
evening's meeting. He verified that the variance request is for 10 feet, or a reduction in the setback
from 30 feet to 20 feet to accommodate the new facility. He noted that the deadline for completion ,of
this project is the end of November.
Commissioner Wright asked the applicant if Paragon had made an attempt to purchase the adjacent
strip of property, and Mr. Reese indicated that he was not aware of any such attempt. He noted that
the property was platted approximately one month ago, and that was first time that this strip of
property was discovered by Paragon. Chairman Stonecipher asked the applicant for verfication on the
f'mal project, and Mr. Reese indicated that the towers and antennas have already been removed, the
old building will be razed, and the fi~nal project will consist of only the new building and the parking
lot. Commissioner Jamadar asked when the future expansion would occur, and Mr. Reese indicated
that the timetable for the future expansion is uncertain at this time, but will be dependent on the need
for new services and additional equipment.
The meeting was opened to the public. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the variance
The meeting was closed to the public and opened to the Board for discussion.
Commissioner Glasener asked whether the request was only for the 400 sq. ft. building without any
consideration for the future expansion. Greg Jones confirmed that the request was written only. for the
single building excluding future expansion. Commissioner Jamadar asked if the variance request was
for the setback reduction and not necessarily tied to the size of the existing building, alld Greg Jones
clarified that when the agenda was posted, it was listed as an approximate 6-ft. variance, based solely
on the new building. He further commented that if Paragon chooses to expand in the future, their
entire site plan will be affected, and the Board would need to reconsider the situation. Commissioner
Jamadar asked if the three parking spaces, as shown on the plan, would be adequate to meet the needs
of this facility, and Greg Jones indicated they were more than adequate, based on the square footage
of the building.
Chairman Stonecipber indicated that it might be wise to include the words 'an approximate 6-ft.
variance, but not to exceed l0 feet'' in the motion, since the phrasing used in the posted agenda was
limited to "an approximate 6-ft. variance".
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October 8, 1998
Page 4
Motion was made by Commissioner Glasener to grant an approximate 6-ft. variance to the setback
requirement at the eastern building line to allow for the construction of a minimum-sized
building. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Wright, and a vote was taken. Motion carried, 5
to 0. Variance granted.
Public Hearing to consider a request for a variance from Section 34-1-8(C) of the
City's Zoning Ordinance, to waive the requirement for the perimeter landscape
easement on the east side of the property, for the property located at the northwest
corner of MacArthur and Beltline. Mr. David Cannon, Architect, contends that the
proposed east building cannot be built due to the hardship caused by this landscape
Greg Jones announced that a letter of withdrawal had been received by the applicant for this case. He
summarized that the architect wished to place two buildings on a site which had previously been
through a plan review process for one building only. He explained that rather than allowing the
elimination of required landscaping, ,as the applicant had requested in his application, Staff is
encouraging the applicant to go through the PD process, not to get around the landscaping
requirements, but rather, as a way to make up the shortfall elsewhere on the site.
ITEM 8: Other Business.
Greg Jones indicated that he would like to schedule a training session with the City Attorney as a
form of orientation for new board members and a review for returning board members. It was agreed
that the training would be scheduled for Thursday, October 29th, at 7 p.m. at the Building Inspections
office, located at 500 Southwestern Blvd. Staff will send reminder notices to all board members
within the next few days.
Copies of a recent amendment to the Sign Ordinance, pertaining to the number of allowable
monument signs on larger parcels, were distributed to all board members. Discussion on sign
restrictions continued.
Greg Jones highlighted a few upcoming cases, one of which is the Coppell Tech Center. He
explained that a building permit has been approved for this project, and City Council has given
approval with the stipulation that a Board of Adjustment variance be granted to reduce the number of
loading spaces. He noted, however, that the case is currently pending due to the fact that Coppell
Tech Center does not yet have a tenant, making it difficult to demonstrate a property hardship. He
further explained that this facility was originally designed to be a call center, comprised entirely of
offices, with no provision for loading spaces.
Chairman Stonecipher expressed his thanks to outgoing board members and issued a welcome to new
board members.