Paragon/SPRv-CS 980817 (2)Paragon Cable
820 W Northwest Highway
Grapevine, Tx 76051
08/18/98 08:00 FAX
~UG--X~--~ ~;2~ P~
817 329 0105 PARAGON CABLE
Oty of C~-~!
Parkway Blvd.
C'nppell, TX
Zoning Application
Name of' Apl~kaat
!~1 Telephon~ Number:
Zoning Requested:
Applicant is responsible for crating, nmlntainin$ and removing m sl~n to m:~it~r ~' puMla of the pendl~
zoaln~ applicatiot Th~ ~n ~ be pastut ~n 00) days pr~ to a~ Ptann~ Comm~o~ uumiaS ad
shall be removed after Ihe Clt~ Council's al~roval o~ disapproval of the application.
l~allure to ercct the si~.n at beast ara (I0) days prior ~o. d~ Planni~ ~ bem4n~ will t~ult tn
pestponc~ of ti~ zonin~ cam until this condition is met.
in Ii~e a~'munt of one hundrM ($100,00) will I~
sign, Tin: d~it will 1~ ~ by xtmil if tl~ si~n
PlannlnR Ek~nrtment.
07:30 TX/RX t~. 72,i6 P.002