Park N Fly/FP-CS 940508 (3)REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE/Section VARIANCE REQUESTED 34-1-8 (A) 10 percent of the gross parking areas shall be landscaped. 4.52 percent landscaped area is requested. 34-1-8 (A)2. One (1) tree shall be planted for every 400 s.f. of landscaping required above. 163 trees required. Request to reduce ratio to 127 trees; 34-1-7 (B) Trees shall be a minimum height of seven feet and a minimum 2" caliper. Request to reduce caliper to less than 2" minimum. 34-1-8 (A) 3. Planting islands shall be provided at least every 12 parking spaces and at the terminus of each row. Request to reduce n,,mher of islands and eliminate end islands as shown on plan. 42-92 Parking spaces shall be not less than 180 s.f. (or approximately 9 feet by 20 feet. Request interpretation or variance. Section 9-2-6 Fences may not be placed in a front yard. (60 feet or established by structure, whichever greater). Request variance to front yard fence requirements. Notes: Section 32-2 establishes a front yard along both LBJ and Royal. Section 26-4 provides that all parking be located at least 30 feet behind the front property line. Parking may be allowed 15 feet behind the front property line provided a landscape plan is submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission clearly indicating the parking front setback reduction. Section 33-1-8(F) requires the screen to be constructed of a masonry material compatible with the adjacent building in LI zoning, and Section 34-1-8(B) requires minimum 3 feet height.