Park N Fly/FP-CS 901119THOMPSON INTERESTS The Honorable Mayor Mark Wolfe City of Coppell 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 750]9 .o,,,,.-. ,... FILE COP Dear Mayor Wolfe= In response to the October Coppell's City Council Meeting referencing the requested revisions to the West Side T~oroughfare Plan Update, Thompson .Interestsagr.O~q to ~..~..,e.' the necessary approvals to improve Gateway Boulevard. Thompson Interests wi11 provide technical assistance through the services o£ DeShaso, Stmrek & Tang, Z.nc. (DS&T), transporation engineeztng consultants, to support the City of ~oPPOlltl efforts to obtain preliminary approval o£ the geometr£c improvements ag~e~ ~o by ~he C~y s~mr~; ~~ Asthma, and DSIT. DSIT will assist ~be C~ty ~n the develo~ent °E prel~minary I~h~a~c ~sl~s ~d aid in the nego2ia2ion w~h Dallas/~rt Worth I~o~a~o~l Airart and 2he State ~partment of H~qhwayg and ~1~ Trans~r2aion- The development pote~tial of the tra~t e~ ~e Royal ~ne/Gateway corner is exciting ~th fr~ a ~evelo~r*s perspective and fr~ ~he City of ~11'8 peFs~ctivo. I applaud yours and the City ~unu~l~s leaaership in preserving the devllo~nt ~tent~al of the ~teway Corridor. Sincerely, Th~Hnpson Interests FORWARDED TO DAT~ ~REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE .\