Park N Fly/FP-CS 901012Barton. Aschman Associates, Inc. 5485 Belt Line Road, Suite 199 Dallas, Texas 75240 USA Phone: (214) 991-1900 Fax: (214) 490-9261 Metro: 263-9138 October 12, 1990 Mr. Steve Goram Director Public Works Department City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 REs West Side Thoroughfare Plan Update BA No. 3311.01.07 / Dear Mr. Goram: As a result of our meeting this morning with Mr. Bill Thompson, Mr. Weldon Davis, Ms. Shohre Daneshmand, yourself, and representatives from DeShazo, Starek & Tang, Inc., Albert H. Halff & Associates, Inc., and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., we agreed to suDDor~t~l~_ installation 9~_ _~ _~r~f~ ~nal ~wh~' warranted) ~ i'n~e~c%io-n'0f Royal Lane and Gatewa~__B~ulevard in .conjunction W~thnoturning movement restrictions and a ~estbound ~onnection t°' t~e e~trance ramp to IH-635, west of Royal Lane. This traffic s~gnal will be controlled by the same signal hardware controlling the IH-635/Royal Lane interchange. At the same time, the City will pursue with the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation the construction of a connecting roadway between Gateway Boulevard and a frontage road along IH-635. The combination of the traffic signal and the connecting roadway betwe~Gateway Boulevard and IH-635 should allow the Ro~a_l~Gate~a_y i~tersectlon to function at an acce~_~able level, of serv$ce app_~oximately until 2098. At this ~lme, ope~a-~-~on of this"intersection falls below a level of service "C", the q~t~.will either close the m~dian opening at Royal and Gateway or implement a suitable alternative improvement ~easure that will remed~' the unacceptable operation at ~his indirection. In the meantime, the City and property owners should consider the development of alternative solutions for this intersection in preparation for the time that it fails to operate acceptably. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please call. Sincerely, Kenneth- R.--Mar~h~ll7 P · E. Senior Associate