Park N Fly/FP-CS 720717 \ 85."05 94 'S~t e oX T exa s County of Dallas ,:--: I T"T" QF ,:-:QF'F'ELL The City Council o'f. the City of Coppell nxet in regular session on July 17, 19'JYZ, in tl~e elcmem:a~'y school ca. feterit~. The following members were ])resent: Bob Hafner, Mayor Pro T~en~ Bill II~rri~, Co~mcilrn~n Ilazel Beal, Councilwon~a~ Don Carter, Councilman , Sam Tiner, Councilm~n Also present were City Administrator Sam Little, City Engineer Derrell Johnson, City Financial Advisor Jerry Pierce, City Tax Appraisers R. M. and W. N. Cope, and TRA Counselor Buddy Lewis. Thc mecting~was called to order and the audience as~edto stand while Counciln'~an Ttner gave the invoca, tion. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and the following corrections noted: The ordinance creating the office of City Ad;v:ihistra~or will be Ord- inance Num. ber 85 and the ordinance creating the office of Building Official will be Ordil~ance Nurnbe~ 86. A.tso, on tile reconln~ndagion of Water 8uperingenden~ A. P. Vanbebber, Councilman Garter[moved t~t on of z" and above, they be required to be compound nae}ers. Mayor Pro Tenl Hefner I'noved that the nainutes be approved as correqted; Councilwo~n~n Begl seconded; naotion carried 5 - 0 with th~ n'~ayor ,~.owing his approval. Councilman Garter ;~ovcd ghat the item contel'hint B6b Ford fron~ the of Dallas be ~oved go the last iteI~ before the executive s~sston. Mayor Pro TeD1 Hefner seconded; nlotion carried 5-0 with tlie n'~ayor showing his approval. The f~rst ~ten~ to be considered was thc IR~ contl'ac~. Buddy Lewis, counselor for 'rRAcam. e forward and p~esented the f~al draft between Tra and ~oppell. After discussion of the finS{1 d~aft and several i. te=ns being el. at,lied, Mayo~ ~'o Tern Idefner n'~ovedlthat the Council approve the Ordinance authorizing the contract between the City of Goppell and T~. Gouncilrnan Harri~ ~econded and hist]on carried 5-0 ~ith the n~ayor showil, g his approval. This ordinance will be given the NuBM>e[r 87, a copy of which is ~ttached as a pern~anent part of these nainutes. Derrell Johnson then gave a report on the report thatlwill go to the Texas Water Quality Board. The purpose of the repol't is to~cover the design of the initial phase of a water line ~maio network that will serve the City of Coppell. Derrell also stated that Coppell ts going to need to have a ground storage tank and punlp station close to the Dallas poil}t of entry. The best place for this l s the sou~h side. of Sandy Lake ~oad h~ediate].y ~est of Dallas Power g% Light. He also stated that they will pi'obably advertise for bids on the 24gh of J'uly. The next item presented was the approval of the following departmental bills: Police Departn~ent 193.07 Get, era] Government $1,567.14 Water Department 693. 34 ~ire Departn'~.ent 66.66 Mayor 1~1'o Ten'~ Hef;~er moved ghat all [.>il. is be approWed; Gounciln~an Harris seconded and hist:ion carried 5-0 wi~h the mayor shox~ing his approval. The next item was the co;~si, deration of water rationing. Water Superintendent., A. P. Vanbebber stat ed that only one day this past week did the wells pun'~p for Z4 hours. He also stated that the pressure has be~D ].swelled whel~evel- it was necessary to conserve water. ,.CJtyAdministrator Sam Little then gave a status report. He ..stated that he · -'had received a formal letter of resignation from our present chief of police, ''Bob Jones, to becon'~e effective July 24. The Texas High-,va.y I)epartrnent will have a. meeting in Garrollto~ on July Z0 concerning the route of Loop 9 for any council nter'nbers interested in attending Also ~ve have a letter from the Itighway Departn~ent Concerning the regulation: and,control of outdoor advertising. It was the recomr~:endatJon of the ~Jty Adn~inistra. tor that we give the Highway Department the authority to regulate and control the erection of these signs. Councilman Carter moved that the Council ].et the ilighway Dcpa. rtt~cnt take care of this n~atter, hrla. yor l~ro Te~m Hefner seconded; motion carried 5-0 wfth the mayor showing his approval. The tree on Coppell Road has been renu. oved and will present no more problems, The City Administrator has received a letter fron~ the CPA, Mr. Mayberry, stating his views on the statue of the city's books. ~4~yor Pro Tern Hornet n~oved that tbs City retain John i~. M~yberry to get t]~e books in order if this c~n be done in thirty days. Councilman Carter s~conded; naotion carried 5-0 with the ~n~yor ~howing his a. pprov'~l. Om %~ednesday, ~uly 19th, COG has issued ~n /nvitatiqn to ~11 interested Council members to attend a luncheon and briefing o~ the subject, "Open 8p~ce for North Central Texas: A Policies Pi~n. ,t Mr. Little s~ated that the preparation of the budget four the coming year i~ berg worked on amd if anyone on the Council knows of ~ny t~en~s that need to be included to please let him A firm has been im touch with the city administrator ~o see ~bout putting our t~x roll o~.a con, purer basis for ~der SZ00. The dra~ings for the wiring and identifications cf a].] wiring %vets presented to the ~ounci]. for their review. ~ouncil~an Cartel n~oved that the bill George Lee ~ichardso~ be paid on the recon~]n~endal:idn of the water superin- tendent. Council~nan T 'im~r seconded and l~lotion card, ed 5-0 with the she%ring his approval. Bob Fo~d was to be present to discuss the revoking o~ our present ordinance, nu~wbered 66, which allowed Dallas to build and ~ain~tain water lines within the City li~its of Coppell. h~ayor ~ro Tern ~efner ~T~0ved that on the advice of the city attorney, that we revoke th~ present ordinance and adopt th= new proposed ordinance granting ~o the City of Dallas per~lission to build add maintain water lines accress certain public streets ih the City of Coppell, to be given the nu~ber 88. Counciln~an Carter seconded and l~otion carried 5-0 with the ~ayor showing his approval. A copy is attached as a pern~anent part of the n')inutcs. The naeeting was then closed %o the public. In the executive session, the position of bui].dJng official ~as discussed and the city's obligation to paying bills Jf they do not consider it their respo;~sibility. Econo,fry Appraisal Service n~et with the Council to discuss the tax for the conoing year. TBe meeth~g w~s then adjourned. Scott, Mayor ATT~T: Do~'othy Tim~ons, ;ictin~'~'"'~g~"Ci~y ~cretary