Park N Fly/PP-CS 910409Chief Building Official Dale Jackson made a presentation to Council. Mike Daniel of Nathan
Maier Engineering, representing The Chase Company, was also present to address any concerns
of Council. The sign was in place prior to present sign ordinances, thereby not making it
subject to the sign ordinance until such time as it was moved. The owner of the sign, Chase,.
did not realize that the gr~.___andfather..ed status was lost by moving the. s_ign. He stated that The
Ctm~ Cnm_nimy has offered to mll~:itt~--~fli~-~[~ with nn~ c~£the_ir billboards which is not in use
I~Z~' tO~: ifl-niiintffs each year that their existing sign remains on the property in CoppeR. The
-Chase- Company has also offered to donate the artwork for the design of the face of the
billboard. Mr. Wayland Threadgill of Santa Fe Realty, representing the company which
questioned the moving of the sign, was present to answer questions of Council. Councilman
Weaver moved to deny the varian?e-. Councilman Cowman seconded the motion. The motion
~'~eny failed 4-2 With Councilmen Weaver and Cowman voting for the motion and Mayor Pro
Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton and Nelson voting against the motion.
Following further discussion, Councilman Morton moved to approve the variance with the
following provisions (1) The_ Chase Company would remoye the sign Se.~,~b~r 1.19.9,5 o__r upon
~e Cit~s. acceptance of _a. final plat on the l>ro_t)ert~ (2) The Chase 'ComIl/tny would-~ide
'to-the'~i~ of Coppell' rotary Ilillboard-idV, e~s~n~nts at locations in Dallas County ~
of each ~ in the best possible location with Ertwork approved by the Economic and Bus~ness
Development Board, City of Coppell (3) AII~ electrical ,wl~rk of th~ billboard in Coppell be
~by the City of Coppell to ensure its compliance with all codes and regulations of the
City of Coppell. (4) The Chase Company will assure and commit to orohihlt all athq?,rfi~ments
for alcohol and tobacco products .o.~dt~ign in Col~I~!l. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon seconded
the"'~mOfi-oril ..... Toe motio~'~rie~ 4-2, ~ith M'ay~)}~ Pro TeE Smothermon and Councilmen
Thomas, Morton, and Nelson v6tiag4n favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver and
Cowman voting against the motion. Council asked that some information be given to the City
on the value of the sign, asking that this be forthcoming in the next week.