Northpoint ROW/PP-AG 961008 (2)AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 8, 1996 ITEM # ~_~ ITEM CAPTION: Consider providing that the Planning and Zoning Commission be the authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat of Northpoint Drive, Right- of-Way Dedication, to allow the extension of Northpoint Drive westward to tie in with State Highway 121 through property located along the east side of State Highway 121, west of Freeport North Business Park and that the Final Plat need ~not--be brought_back for final approval of the City Council TITL~:~__~c__t~_~Pta~ning and Community Services STAFF REC~DS: Approval ~ Denial STAFF COMMENTS: NOTE: A 3/4 vote is needed by Council to approve this request. ApP;9OVED CIiY COUNCIL DATE BUDGET AMT. $ DIR. INITIALS: ?~ Agenda Request Form - RevVed 6/96 $~tlC~k a Sav~ docta~nt ~ Put "~old~n~xl" lml~r AMT. EST.$ FIN. REVIEW:~ +/- BUD:$ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: DocumentNam¢ ~d~w.p~