Park Meadow P1/FP-CS 850630 .......... o~u~, ~--om m Isslonet
Perry Jasiecki, Commissioner
Walter Kirkpatrick, Commissioner
Commissioners John Dalrymple, Frank Pope and Marry Walsh were not present;
Also present were Administrative Assistant Mark Sweeney and Secretary Anne
The meeting was called to order and everyone
Nordstrom gave the invocation. Following the was asked to stand while Commissioner
invocation, Chairman King asked if
all Commissioners had read the minutes of the previous meeting. All indicated
they had. Commissioner Norstrom then moved that the minutes be approved as
submitted; Commssioner Jasiecki seconded and motion carried 5-0.
ITEM NO. 4: P~ublic hearing to consider a variance request of Laurie
Marcus for a variance to Ordinance no. 297, Section 1613i
paragraph c (there shall be a rear yard having a depth of
not less than twenty (20) feet). The location of the
variance is 938 Sugarberry (Lot 21 Block I, Woodridge
Section Two).
Ms. Laurie Marcus made the presentation to the Commission. Ms. Marcus stated
that there was currently a car pad and that what she was requesting was to cover
the car pad with a carport. Chairman King declared the public hearing open and
asked for those persons who wished to speak for the variance request, There were
none. He then asked for those persons who wished to speak against the variance
request. Again, there were none. Chairman King then closed the public hearing.
Following discussion, Commissioner Clements moved that the variance request
be denied; Commissioner Nordstrom seconded and motion carried 4-1.
ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing to consider a variance request for a variance to
Ordinance No. 297, Section 13.3.1 (a)Front Yard - Requirement
id 30' building line. (b) Side Yard - Requirement is 8' between
the building and the property line. Also a variance to Section
13.3.2 (a) Lot Area - Requirement is 7,000 square feet minimum
and (b) Lot Width - Requirement is 65' minimum at th building
line. This variance request applies to the
~ho~Cghei~og~erally located nort~ Boulevard
Chris Chisolm and Mike Allen made the presentation to the Commission. Also present
was Tom Wise. The variance request was for all forty-one (41) acres of custom homes.
Chairman King declared the public hearing open and asked for those persons
who wished to speak for the variance request. Th~ere were none. He then asked
for those persons who wished to speak against the variance request. Again, there were
none. Chairman King then closed the public hearing. Following discussion, Commissioner
Nordstrom moved that the variance request be approved; Commissioner Kirkpattick
seconded the motion and the motion carried 4-~.~0 with Commissioner Clements
abstaining from the voting.
The meeting was then adjourned.
ne ~cDowell, Secretary
Fee for Board o£ Adjustments
A/Rec. Park Heado~ Partnership