Park Place/FP-AG 910423AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM CAPTION: Consideration and approval of a final plat resubmittal for Park Place Addition Final Plat, located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road, at the request of Mr. Mike Allen. SUBMITTED BY: V U T NOFI E : STAFF RE G0~r¥ L. Sieb. Pl~nnino F)iracfr~r OTHER REP.: DATE: Date of Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting: April 18, 1991 Decision of Planning & Zoning Commission: The applicant, Mike Allen, is requesting approval of a final plat resubmittal for a subdivision that was initially approved by the City Council on September 18, 1990. The purpose of resubmitting this final plat is to obtain approval of a minor amendment which impacts only the western boundary of this property. Due to the location of trees along the western property line, the developer proposes to place the alley in a location where as few trees as possible are removed. This type of action requires a review of the final plat by the City Council. BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET COMMENTS: A PP,q 0 VED AMT. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY ~ LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 1/91 REVIEWED BY CM: a City Engineer. City Manager Alan D. Ratliff asked Council to designate a member who would serve with Staff in interviewing this headhunter consultant. A Planning and Zoning Committee member will also be asked to serve in this capacity. Councilman Peyton Weaver agreed to work with Staff on this project. G) Lmr~qY Councilman Weaver reported that the list of architects being considered for the new library has been narrowed down to six, and they will be interviewed over the next few weeks. H) METROCREST RED RIBBON CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE (DRUG AWARENESS) There was no report at this time. I) MUD ABSORPTION There was no report at this time. J) NCTCOG There was no report at this time. I~) PARle Councilman Thomas reported that there is a temporary sign being made for the concession stand, with a permanent sign to be constructed at a later date. L) RECYCLING COMMITTEE Councilman Weaver stated that the success of the recycling effort could largely be attributed to the citizens committee. M) SCHOOL There was no report at this time. N) SCHOOL FINANCING Councilman Morton stated that he and Mayor Wolfe had attended a meeting for the purpose of briefing those present on the legislative changes for the school financing. He stated that Coppell will be joining other dties in a suit against the Senate bill, testing its constitutionality. CONSENT AGENDA Item 18 A. Consideration and approval to reject all bids received for Bid No. Q 02914)6 "rescue equipment'. B. Consideration of request of Coppell Independent School district to vary the Subdivision Ordinance requirement of 6' thick concrete in parking lot and light traffic areas to 5' thick, at Pinkerton Elementary School. C. Consideration and approval of a final plat resubmittal for Park Place Addition Final Plat, located at the northeast Comer of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road, at the request of Mr. Mike Alien. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve Item 18 A, B, and C. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern $mothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Cowman and Robe~ voting in favor of the motion. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)