Park Place/FP-DR 900829Re~i~ of Dar e: Taryo~ Bowman~ ~ia'~ning & 7or~ir, g Coordi'nator Ar~ i-nitiai Co'nstructior, Pe-rmit Fee must De paid to 'the City this wee~. The permi~ fee is require~ to ~e paio a~ the time of the appiicatior~ of -~-he fir, al plat. AO~itior~ai fees ~,ich a~e due prio'r ~o a~provai of ' - the final plat ~o~,~,~eo~.~-ners mair~t~r~a'nne agr-eeme~,t i~ requireo a~ Zhis time. submit i~ to the Public ~or~s nepar~me~ for Review. foide~ pla~ to the at ~:CO ~. Both hear-ir~g~ wiii be conducted ir, the Council