Park Place/FP-CS 900913P & Z HEARING DATE: C. C. HEARING DATE: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PARK PLACE ADDITION - FINAL PLAT September 13, 1990 September 18, 1990 LOCATION: Near the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Heartz Road. SIZE OF AREA: 25.871 Acres REQUEST: Applicant is requesting approval of a final plat. APPLICANT: Mr. Mike Allen Univest Development Company 12770 Colt Road, Suite 1215 Dallas, Texas 75251 (214) 233-5771 Michael S. Dowdey (Engineer) Dowdey & Associates 16250 Dallas Prkwy. #100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 931-0694 HISTORY: This parcel was approved as a single-family residential subdivision in late 1989. In June of 1990 an extension of the preliminary plat approval was granted to December 1990. TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road, the southern boundary, is scheduled to be a 6-lane divided road in a 110 foot riGht-of-way. Heartz Road is proposed to be a two lane street contained within a 60 foot riGht-of-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: Surrounding land use is primarily vacant with the exception of property south of Sandy Lake Road, which is developed with single-family residences. The parcel in question is zoned TC. To the east is SF-12 zoninG; PD-SF is to the south; SF-t2 is to the immediate west; and TC is west across Heartz Road and to the north. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan indicates a use compatible with Town Center zoning as being most appropriate here sinGle-family residences are allowed in TC zoninG. ITEM 14 ANALYSIS: This is an 88 lot final plat which is basically identical to the preliminary subdivision approved in December of 1989. Although the applicant shows landscaped entrys into this subdivision (normally maintained by a homeowners association), the final plat does not indicate the locations of homeowner association areas: those areas need to be shown on the plat. Staff would recommend approval of this final plat subject to the above, all fees (including impact, street lighting, park fees, among others) being paid prior to Council approval~.~ In addition, all easements,~-a homeowners maintenance agreement, the initial construction permit fee ($1860), and requirements of all other affected City departments must be met prior to Council sign-offs. ALTERNATIVES: 1) 2) Approve the final plat. Deny the final plat. ATTACHMENTS: 1) 2) Final Plat Landscape Entry Plans (Large Blue Line Prints) PRKPLSTF SANDY '-- DRIVE PECAN HOLLOW o LOTS FINAL PLAT PARK PLACE ADDITION UNIVESTDEVELOPMENT COMPANY DAN M. DOWOEY 8, ASSOCIATES