Park Place/FP-CS 891211TOWN CENTER ZONING ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 MEMBERS PRESENT: Hodges & Associates Represented by Charles Hodges Coppell City Council Represented by John Nelson CITY MANAGER Allen Equities, Inc. Represented by Michael R. Allen, President MEMBERS ABSENT BUT VOTING BY PROXY: Kidd Development Company Represented by John B. Kidd MEMBERS ABSENT: Unives! Enterprises, Inc. Represented by Glen Hinckley A meeting of the Architectural Review Board was held at 4 pm on December 11, 1989 at 13642 Omega, which is the office of Hodges & Associates. Those present considered the request of Univest Development Company for approval of a subdivision named Park Place to be located on the east side of Heartz Rd., as outlined in the attached letter and notice of meeting to the board members dated December 6, 1989. Following a thorough discussion of the proposed development, including the preliminary plat, and the landscaping plans as submitted to the City of Coppell, the members present voted unanimously to approve the following resolution. Also, Mike Allen advised those present that John Kidd, who was out of town, had verbally given to Mike Allen his proxy to vote at the meeting. Therefore, Mr. Kidd's vote was recorded in favor of the following motion also: RESOLVED, that the Town Center Zoning Architectural Review Board approve the request of Univest Development Company to construct the Park Place subdivision, as described in the letter of notice dated December 6, 1989 and the attachments thereto which are attached to these minutes; provided, however, that the Architectural Review Board has placed the following additional stipulations and requirements upon the Park Place subdivision: 1. THAT, the restrictions on any fencing to be constructed on the individual lots which side adjacent to Heartz Rd. shall require that the height and type of that fencing along the side lot line adjacent to Heartz Rd. shall be consistent for each lot adjacent to Heartz Rd.. 2. THAT, there shall be no lot fencing allowed inside of the future landscape easement along and adjacent to the Heartz Rd. right-a-way as shown on the preliminary landscape plan. 3. THAT, any pavers installed in the streets intersecting with Heartz Rd. shall be of the same specification as those pavers used throughout the Town Center. 4. THAT, any steel edging which may placed in landscaped areas adjacent to the sidewalks along Heartz Rd. shall be of a height to not extend above the height of the sidewalk. 5. THAT, the covenants and restrictions which are later placed on all the lots in the Park Place addition shall be not less restrictive than that certain Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions which is filed of record on the Park Meadow Section II addition of the City of Coppell; specifically being recorded in Volume 87023 Page 4567 of the Deed Record of Dallas County, Texas. The above motion having been made and seconded it was unanimously approved by those in attendance. There being no further business to come before the ACC, the meeting was adjourned. Those board members present at the meeting have affixed their signature below to evidence that these minutes correctly reflect the results of the meeting. Charles Hodges, Hodg ~d~s & Associates J~. Ne.lson, ~Coppell City Council Michael R. Allen, Allen i::quities, Inc. Dale MRA/TCARB-MIN/12.11.892 UNIVEST DEVELOPMENT COMPANY December 6, 1989 Mr. Glen A. Hincklcy Univcst Enterprises, inc. 1220] Merit Drive, Suiic 170 Dallas, Texas 75251 Mr. John B. Kidd Kidd Development Company 13 Rob Roy Austin, Texas 78?46 Mr. Charles Hedges Hedges & Associates 13642 Omega Dallas, Texas 75244 Mr. John Nclson City Councilman City of Coppcll 637 Phillips Drive Coppcil, Texas 75019 Rc: Town Center Zoning Architectural Rcvicw Board Meeting Gcnllcmcn: Thc Town Center General Zoning District ("TC" zoning) of Coppcli established an Architectural Review Board ("ARB") of which you arc a member. The ARB is vested with the authority and rcsponsiblity to review proposed developments on property zoned TC. Univcst Development Company proposes lo develop an 88 lot custom home subdivision named Park Place on 25.8 acres zoned TC located cast of proposed Hcartz and norlh of Sandy Lake and to sell thc lots to builders for thc construction of single-family, detached dwellings anticipated to be in thc $150,000 and above price range. Enclosed is a copy of thc pcrtincnl portion of thc proposed preliminary plat and landscape plan which is currently being reviewed by thc City. Thc enclosed plat has already bccn amended from a previous version which included lots backing up to Hcartz Road and a brick wall along Hcartz Road. Thc city Plan Commission required that the wall bc removed and that Ihe lots side to Hcartz Road. They wanted to have an "open feel" across thc slrccl from thcir future library site location. Also enclosed is a copy of a composite map showing how Ibc plat interrelates with the current preliminary Town Center concept plan on the west side of Heartz. Specifically, Univcst Development Company requests that thc ARB grant the following approvals: 1. That thc property may be developed in thc manner indicated on lhc preliminary plat and landscape plan provided thc subdivision improvements do not substantially deviate Ihcrcfrom. UNIVEST FINANCIAL CORP. * ALLEN EQUITIES INC. 12770 COlT RD. ' SUITE 1215 . DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 · 214/233-577t Town Ccnter Architectural Review Board December 6, 1989 Page Two 2. That dwellings constructed on thc lots bc automatically approved by thc ARB provided (i) they comply with all of Ibc construction rcquircmcnls of thc city of Coppcli, and (ii) thcy have bccn approved by of Ibc architectural review board which will be established by Univcsl Devclopmcnt Company as a part of Ibc restric- lions to bc applied lo thc Park Place Addition. Thc Park Place rcstriclivc covenanls shall be submiited to the ARB for its approval prior lo being filed on Park Place. This procedure will avoid Ihc ARB from bcing involved in Ibc approval of individual house plans for cach iol since that function will take placc through lhc Park Place architeclurai review board. There will bca mceling of Ibc ARB at Charles Hodgcs' office Iocalcd at 13642 Omega in Dallas (214+387-1000) on Monday, December 11 at 4:00 p.m. lo review thc proposed dcvclopment. If you have any questions on thc cncloscd information, please fcci frcc 1o give mc a call. if you arc unable to attend thc meeting and wish to vole by proxy, plcasc forward your rotc in wriling to mc prior to Ibc mcclint. Yours very truly, ALLEN EQUITIES, INC., ARB MEMBER Michael~ R. Allen President MRA/sjp cc: Richard Doolcy PP/TCARB/I 2.6.89 MI~ S PARKS OF COPPEL PARKS OF COPPELL ZONING MAP IIF ~, ~.,IJITC)tt I,IOIdES LI OF COPPELL SFO EL.E Idle NTA~Y SCHOOL 7- ,II 600 04' (~, *~ ) , :' t'-;;'1~ . -, ~-.~ .... S~,NDY LAKE ..... .,.. 4~ U ROAD ;! ED M.O.B. FUTURE PAD SITE ~ "- ~ 18,250 SF ITHE ATIIIE REST. IRE MED / ~~~~_ .__ _~_ .= =_ ,._~ =_ ,_>~ ;~~~._ ~: ...... . ...... ~..~.,~ ~~~LANDSCAPE ' ~' ,~:' ~-~ __~'- ' ~ .~: .'10) - ~ · - : '. '~~ '1 /*~ IRRIGATION I I