Oakbend Add/FP-AG 900624.4-24-89 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CiTY WITH A "~'~"~ ~"~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING July Z4, 1990 ITEM NO. ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of a Final Plat and Concept Landscape Plan fer the Oakbend Addition, located near the southeast cowner of State Road and Thweatt Road, at the request of Centex Cawpo~ation. SUBMITTED BY: EVALUATION OF ITEM: STAFF RE Sieb. ire~ OTHER REP.: ~ . J.. DATE: Date of Pln--i-oo & Zoning Meeting: June Zl. 1990 Decision of Planning & Zo.i.s Commission: Approval (6-0), with the following deviations: 1) Under platting and PD regulations, Z, 3, and 4 be required to be paid prkr to being reviewed by City Council; 2) #14 be changed to a Z0 foot access easement required to connect Post Oak Drive to the pro- posed park site, and a Z0 foot drninage easement to be required to connect l/emil to the pro- posed park site; 3) 4~15, a Homeowners Assodation be required to mnintain the area outside the fences and masonry wall, easements and landscaping; 4) that plan for natural wall be shown on the final plat, and that landscape plan.~ be submitted to Council with the final plat. Applicant is requesting approval of the final plat and Landscape Plan. Please see attached staff report for further detaiL~ AMT. ESTIMATED: ~ET AMT.: COMMENTS: APPROVED C,TY . FIN~CIAL ~VI~ BY: LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQ FORM 0588D$ REVIEWED BY CM: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT OAKBEND ADDITION - FINAL PLAT P & Z HEARING DATE: June 21, 1990 C. C. HEARING DATE: July 10, 1990 LOCATION: Near the southwest corner of Thweatt Road and State Road. SIZE OF AREA: 50.63 acres REQUEST: Approval of a final plat along with conditions as stated on the face of the final plat. APPLICANT: Mr. Jerry Lacy, Trustee 10888 Shady Trail P. O. Box 20297 Dallas, Texas 75220 (214) 357-0146 HISTORY: A preliminary plat for Oakbend Addition was approved by the City Council with a total of 18 conditions of approval. Included on the final plat are all of the applicable regulations which were on the zoning exhibit, coupled with the conditions that were recommended on the preliminary plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission, City Council and staff. TRANSPORTATION: Initially, when the PD site plan was first submitted, a residential portion of the Oakbend Addition was situated adjacent to State Road. At that time, City Council required the developer to place the developer's pro-rata share for street improvements in escrow for the portion of Oakbend Addition with frontage along State Road. Now that the final plat has been submitted and reflects a future park site along State Road, whereby the access to State Road has been eliminated, the developer will contribute $50,000 in lieu of direct improvements to State Road (Freeport Parkway}. Therefore, State Road will not be improved simultaneously with the Oakbend plat, but will be dictated by future development, as it occurs along along State Road. Normal Thweatt Road paving assessments must be paid prior to approval of the final plat, which is $121,002 for 605 feet of frontage. ANALYSIS: The plat which is included in your packet, is the most current plat submitted to date and is a product of numerous meetings with staff, Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. The original plat indicated 148 lots and the revised plat shows 138 lots, resulting in a decrease in the density. This amended plat reflects an average of 2.73 lots/acre. The developer feels that no Homeowners Maintenance Association needs to be established to maintain the screening wall adjacent to Thweatt Road. Staff does not agree with this deviation from the Subdivision Ordinance, and we recommend that along with the additional platting and PD regulations as listed on the final plat, that variation request #15, should be approved as follows: A Homeowners Association Agreement will be required prior to execution of the final plat. In the event of accidental destruction of the brick wall, an agreement is necessary in order to determine ultimate responsibility of its repair. A maintenance agreement would also insure maintenance of the access easement located just west of Post Oak Lane, between Lot 59 and 60 of Block A. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the final plat with conditions as submitted. 2) Deny the final plat ATTACHMENTS: 1) Final Plat OBNDFSTF