Oakbend Add/FP-CS 920129January 29, 1992
Mr. Dale Jackson
City of CoDpell
P.O. Box 478
CopDell, Texas 75019
Oakbend Addition
Homeowners' Association
Dear Dale:
Per you request, this letter is to clarify that Centex is
currently in the process of establishing a homeowners' association
in the Oakbend Addition for the purpose of providing maintenance of
the common areas around the subdivision. We anticipate that this
process will take 3 to 4 weeks to complete all of the legal
documents. As of February 1, potential buyers in the subdlviszon
will be informed of the requirement to ~oin the Association.
Previous buyers in the subdivision will be given the option of
~oining the Association; however, membership will be mandatory for
all purchasers who contract for homes after February 1.
Centex will continue to have responsiblity for the maintenance
of the screening fences and common areas until such time as the
Associate. on iS in place and capable of taking over the maintenance
Thank-you for your patience on this matter as I realize that
you have been awaitin~ a response on this issue for several weeks.
I will try to keep you informed of the progress of the formation of
the Association as the paperwork ~s completed. In the meantime, if '
you have any ~urther questions, please feel free to call me
directly at 221-5556.
Derek E. Earle, i:,.I~.
Land Development Iqana~er
Dallas North
cc: Bill Allen
1660 S. Stemmons Frwy., Suite 150 / tewisville, Texas 75067 / 214-221-5556