Oakbend Add/FP-CS 900724State Road would be constructed and 5) that the potential purchasers be notified of the proximity of the D/FW Airport to this property. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon amended the motion on the fifth stipulation to read as follows; 5) that due to the proximity of D/FW Airport to the Oakbend subdivision, purchasers of homes shall be notified and required to sign an affidavit similar to the MUD notification required by state law; that this notification shall become a part of all executed earnest money contracts; that the notification shall contain, but not be limited to, that there may be occurrences of ambient aircraft noise due to aircraft overflights, which is due to the possible extension of D/FW Airport; and that an executed notification shall be supplied to each homebuyer at the time a contract is executed. Councilman Morton seconded the amendment; motion and amendment both carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion; and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Cowman voting against the motion. Item 13 Consider approval of a Final Plat and Concept Landscape Plan for the Oakbend Addition, located near the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and State Road, at the request of Centex Corporation. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved that the final plat and concept landscape plan for the Oakbend addition be approved subject to all zoning conditions reflected in Item 12 of this same Council meeting. Councilman Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Morton, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor of the motion and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas and Cowman voting against the motion. Item 14 Mayor's Report 'The following items were reported under the Mayor's Report: A) Mayor Wolfe informed the Council that he, along with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon, city Manager Alan D. Ratliff, and Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando, would be traveling to New York on a bond rating trip. B) Mayor Wolfe also informed Council that the Metrocrest Chamber is in need of a definite count for the Toronto economic trip which is scheduled for September 22 through September 28. Council members were asked to contact Executive Secretary Sharon Taylor to confirm attendance at this meeting. c) Mayor Wolfe stated that Council has once again been contacted to consider decreasing the turnaround time for the platting process. Discussion was held by Council concerning a study committee already in place to address these concerns. Mayor Wolfe requested that if this committee does not show Councilman Weaver as Chairman of the committee that the change be made. D) Councilman Weaver informed the Council of the Recycling Committee's status and stated they are at the point of determining the type of surveys to determine the extent of the recycling project in Coppell. Councilman Weaver questioned what funds would be available and how to proceed in obtaining these funds. The three types of survey being considered are telephone, mail or professional. During discussion, it was determined that Councilman Weaver would contact Texas Waste Management to see if they would fund a mail survey to the citizens. E) Councilman Morton informed Council that he had attended a TML Legislative Policy Committee meeting on Community and Economic Development. At this meeting, discussion was held concerning the discontinuance of impact fees. Page 6 of 8