Oakbend Add/FP-CS 900724 (2)Ci'~y Cc, u'r~c~i ~ear-i'?~g Da~e: July i4, i990 The fc, iic, wi~?~g items mus~ ~e shc,w?~ on ~he face of She site pia?~ ar, c c,?~ ~he fi'~,ai pia~. i. 'Var. i ~'r, ce fr-c,m 'no'r:.a i require~ne~ s %o allow for stree~ ~amii as 4. 7. ii. Aii ~-rair,~age i~sue5 must De resoivea ~o ~he satisfactio~ of the Puli it- Wor-~5 Depa~rtme~. ~'~i~i~um i¢,~ ~epth of ii5.0 fee~; iO0. O fee~ or, cui--oe--sac. ?iir, lmum ic,~ ar-ea of ¥,600 square feet. .~qi'mimum oweiii?~9 size of i,600 square feet. ?ii~imu~ co.:er, io~ sioe yaro of i5 fee~. i~ir~i~0um f'pc, n~ set Oa~k of == ~ome O~r~er-s Associatior, °pe~ui~eo ~o mai~,tair, commc~r, areas. i'~o alley ~equireo except where snow~,. DeYeioper is respc~,siDie for. Roao from the sou~h property i ine ail the way ~o Th~eatt hiasc,r,r-y screenir, g wail mus~ ne Duii~ alo~g Thweatt Noa~ &r~o Sta~e Road. Sue ~o ~he proximity of ~he DF%~ Airport to this suD~ivisic~, · ne purchasers of homes s~aii De ~o~ifie~ sign an affi~avi~ simiia~ ~o ~he Muz~icipal ~iii~y (~iUD> no~ifica~ion required by s~a~e law. This ~tifica~ion snail bec~e a pa~z of ail e~ecu~eo The notification shaii contain, ~u~ there may De occu~ces of ambi~ air--aft z, oise aircmaft over~fiighzs an~ possible An execuSe~ ?,otifica%ior~ snail be suppile= ~o eac~ home Duyer at %ne time a contract is Ail othe-p require~e~,~s to follow City meguiatic~r,s for The ~,~¢,i ic,~ir~g is a i is~ c,f i~e~.s ~ni~n ~ee~e ~o-rloitic~-~s o~ ~p~'rc, v~i ~y tr~e City Cour, c-ii and ~nese ite~ns rnus~ ~)e ad~pesseO~ ~o~'~,E~p~ ~hey ~o ~c~ r~eec~ ~c, ~e ~ype~e~t~e-r, 'o~, ~he site ;)i&n. Thwea+~% Rc, ao assess~ner,~ ~o ~e paiO. Beaie La~,~e anO Pos~ Oa~ Dr-ire ~nus~ re,hain as cui--de--sa~s. ~o-ve ~he cul-de-sac or, Pos~ Oa~ D'rive a~,o Beaie La~e to she wes~ %o acco~n~nooa~e eign~ ~> aoOi~ionai ions. ~otaiing hu'r~or-eo fo~']/--six ( i~6> lots. Ali appiica~ie Oeveiop~nen~ fees rnus~ ~e paio irn~nedia~eiy.