Oakbend Add/FP-CS 900629.......... NDIvl NATHAN D. MAIER CON,~ULTING ENGINIEI[RS, INC. June 29,1990 Mr. Gary Sieb City o! Coppeli 255 Park'way Blvd. Coppell, Tex~s 75019 Re: Oakbend Addition NDM No.: $9-9-10~ Dear Gary: On behslf of our client, Centex Real Estate Corporation, we request thst the final plat of the Oakbend Addition be withdrawn from consideration by the City Council at their meeting scheduled for Jt.~ly 10~ 1990. We are making this request to avoid a denial on procedural grounds if thls item were to stay on the agenda. Please reschedule this iterrt for the earliest possible hearir, g data. As you know., Centex is fact~g an already rigorous schedule in their affempt to have homes available ~or the peak s~mmer sales season in 1991. Any further delay at this point will cause a significant hardship. Thank you. Sincerely, NATHAN D. MAIER CONSUI~,TINC--~ ENGINEERS, INC, Mike Daniel, P.E. CMD/rdp cc: Steve St(gte Titre'ee No~thPirk/81100 N. C:ent~al Expwg.iSutte 300/Dalla~, T~x~ ~5331/(214) 739,4741