Oakbend Add/FP-CS 900620Chairman a?~d ~iembe'ps of the Planning Colm~ission Ta~yon Bc~nar,, Pianrmi~g ano ~c~r~ing Coo~di~a~ Usual iy, s~aff sub, its ~ecc~m~Oatic~ns fo~ z~,i~g cases and plats, as a par~ of ~e Com~issione~s packe~ of info,marion. iz~ssea~ of wiSher-awing Zhe final piat wor~ing wi~h t~,e Oeveioper, to wor~ ou~ as many pro~iems as possible. 5ev~ai cc. nc~,s have come ~ecause the packet had ai~ea~y ~een p~in%ed, it is for ~his ~eas~, ~ha$ staff is su~mi~ir, g ~his memo to ~he C~missi~ p~io~ · o the meeting. ShouiO the Com~issi~, cor, si~ pec~m~,~ing ap;~pc~vai of ~he final plat for OakDend Aodition ~o ~he City Council, staff suggests the foiio~ing con0i~io~,s be aooeo aiong wi~h the othe~ Council impose~ co?,ditions: i > Tha$ a Home O~r,~s ~air~ ~,ance Associat i~m be es~aDiisneO fo~ this subdivision. Tha~ the Deveiop~ submi~ a La~,~scape gian, to be rev ieweo Oy ~ne City Councii fo~ the landscape ~equi~n~s aic?r,g Thwea~ That ail appiica~ie development fees be paiO, prior to ~e¥i~ ~y ~he City Councii. That ~he O~ainage easement sou~h of Post Oak Dr. ~e ~0~ insteao of iO~ 5> That piar,s f~ a mas~,~y ~aii along Thweat~ ~d., shown on ~he final plat Tha$ a meques~ fc~~ c~eOi~, agai~,s~ assessment ~e denied a future