Oakbend Add/FP-CS 900603 Oakben~ AOOitio~,~ Final Plat St afl Prese~,t at ion ~a~ & ini~ iai Thwea~t Road Totai amoun~ D~ai~aqe Eas~ner~ s Location: 5outh of Post Oak Lane and South of Beale Cu~e~i¥ easements a~e sho~ as iO· wi~e~ an~ ~he D~eiop~ plans ~o use flumes. The Pubi i~ W~ks Depa~m~ ~e~m~s~s a ~O· ~air~age ease~nen~ ~e dedicated instead of ~e iO· an~ s~s be ins~aiie~ ins~ea~ of ~he use of flumes. Home Owners ~iaintenance Association Staff ~ecc~me~ds tha~ a Hc~neowne~s Mai~e~ance Association be ~equi~ed fop ~he Oak~end Addition. D~ping the ppeiiminapy pia~ ~i~, the Ci~ Councii did ~o~ ~equi~e i~. S~aff of~s She roi iowing pease, s as to why ~he ~air~enance Associa~ i on is A masonry ~aii, ~icn ~iii be ~equi~ed to instaiied aio~g Thwea%t ~d.~ must be maintained by an associa~ior, ~hat would be mesponsibie fo~ i~s upkeep. An access easement~ ~ich adjoins Oak~en~ Addition to the pa~k~ should also be mai~rtair~ed by ~he Maiz~tena~ce Association. Because this deveio~e~ is ioca~ed aio~g Thweat~ ~. ~hich is conside~e~ a Ppimapy image Zo~e~ OakDend Addition must c~piy ~i~h ~he ~equi~er~s of ~he S~ee~scape O~dinance.