Oakbend Add/PP-CS 891019! t.scu~..l~ r , cousidt~r,~tlon o! approval of an ('rdlnance ~n,ending
Chal.~er I{} of ~he
re~ulations, and author~z±ng tb.e ~ayor
City Attorney Larry Jackson made the presentation to the Council and
reviewed the changes in the Sign Ordinance with them. Following
discussion, Councilman Morton moved to approve Ordinance 89-454 amending
Chapter I0 of the Code of Ordinances, which concerns sign regulations
and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Cowman seconded the
motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen
Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting in favor
of the motion.
Item 17:
Discussion, consideration of approval of a consultant's report
on the interchanges and ramping of the proposed Highway Route
121 freeway facility designed by the Texas State Department of
Highways and Public Transportation (TSHD&PT) and authorizing
the City Manager to respond by letter for the City of Coppell
to the TSHD&PT.
City Engineer Russell Doyle and Roy Wilshire of Kimley-Horn made the
presentation to Council. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved
to approve and accept the recommendation of ¥imley-Horn. Councilman
Robertson seconded the motion; motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tam
Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robartson and
Nelson voting in favor of the motion.
Public Hearings on this item will be held later, and changes
incorporated into the Master Plan. Kimley-Horn will prepare a written
report to be presented to the TSHD&PT.
Item 18:
Discussion, consideration of evaluating and selecting an
alignment of Freeport Parkway between Bethel School Road and
S.H. 121, and thereby amending the Comprehensive Thoroughfare
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon ~owman made the presentation to
the Council. City Manager Alan Ratliff informed Council that Mr. Jerry
Lacy is reimbursing the City for the cost of Kimley-Horn making a study
of this project. Following discussion, Councilman Robertson moved to
approve realignment of Freeport Parkway in its more westerly alignment.
Councilman Morton seconded the motion, motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Wilkerson, Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson
and Nelson voting i~ favor of the motion. (A copy of the proposed
realignment is attached as a permanent part of these minutes.)
Item 19:
Public Hearing to consider a zoning change, Case #ZC-523, from
(LI) light industrial to (SF-7) single family-7, located at
the southeast corner of Thweatt Road and State Road, at the
request of Mr. Jerry Lacy.
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!~o~x:::~u made the pre~;entation to Council. Nathan Maler and Jerry I,acy
were present representing this item. Hayor Wolfe declared the Public
}~earlng open and asked for any persons present wishing to speak against
this item. Present wishing to speak against this zoning change were:
Vivtan Checkly and James Zukauckas. ~ayor ~olfe then asked for those
persons present wishing to speak in favor of this item. Those wishing
to speak in favor of this zoning change were: Melvin Gross, Bill
Thompson, Kip Ewing, Jerry Malzahn, Mark Connell and Steve Stolte. As
there were no other persons wishing to speak, Mayor Wolfe declared the
Public Hearing on this zoning case closed. Following discussion by City
Council, Councilman Smothermon moved to approve as a (PD SF-9) rather
than (SF-7) as requested with the following stipulations: 1) That the
minimum home size would be 1,600 square feet. 2) That any buildings
constructed in the (LI) light industrial area located at the northwest
corner of this property would be restricted to 35. feet tn height. 3)
That three (3) lanes of State Road be constructed in its entirety. 4)
That along State Road a masonry fence be constructed to be used as a
buffer between this property and the property to the west of it. 5)
That notices of noise potential (from airport over flights) be issued to
all purchasers of lots within this development. 6) That the developer
pay their pro-rata share for improvements to Thweatt Road. Councilman
Morton seconded the motion; motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem
Wilkerson, Councilmen Morton, Smothermon, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion, and Councilman Thomas voting against the
Item 20:
Public Hearing to consider a zoning change, Case ~S-1037.1,
from (SF-12) single family-12 to (SF-12-SUP) single family-12
special use permit, located approximately 1,000 feet north
from the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Riverchase
Drive, to allow the operation of a private club, at the
re~uest of the American Golf Association.
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Taryon Bowman made the presentation to
Council. Also present representing this item was Mr. Jim Helms
representing American Golf Association. Mayor Wolfe opened the Public
Hearing for this zoning change and asked if there was anyone present
wishing to speak either for or sgainst this item. There were seven (7)
persons present wishing to speak against this zoning change, they were:
Melvin Gross, Vivian Checkly, Walter Pettijohn, Will Townsend, Craig
Johnson, Ed Stevens and Marsha Tunnell. There was no one wishing to
speak in favor of this zoning change. Mayor Wolfe then closed the
Public Hearing. Discussion was then held by the Council. During this
discussion, Mr. Jim Helms, representing American Golf Association, made
a voluntary commitment that only beer and wine will be served until the
permanent Club House is constructed. Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson made a
motion to deny this zoning change request. Councilman Morton seconded
the motion; motion failed 3-4 with Mayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and
Councilmen Morton and Smothermon voting in favor of the motion; and
Councilmen Thomas, Cowman, Robertson and Nelson voting against the
motion. Following further discussion, Councilman Cowman moved to
approve the zoning case with the five (5) variances requested by the
applicant with two (2) amendments: 1) With variance 14 using the word
"will" produce rather than ma~ produce. 2) That notices be posted
throughout the Club House and Golf Course that ~ .... ~--~-~ ...... ~--
- a ............. = ....... coolers, of any sort, viii be
allowed on the Golf Course". Councilman Robertson seconded the motion;
motion carried 4-3 with Councilmen Thomas, Robertson, Co~nnan and Nelson
voting in favor of the motion and Hayor Pro Tem Wilkerson and CouncilJaen
Horton and S~other~on voting against the ~otion.
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